I was on strike at the local plant for better pay. I woke up late and did basically nothing for the last month. I would go down to the plant and picket every Wednesday with my co-workers. My wife had a full time job. We were not hurting for money but she decided to sign me up to help a local high school. I was assigned to help the marching band. I drove a van with all the equipment stored in the back. My first road trip was Friday and were to be back early Monday morning.
It was nearly 3:30pm when I got the van loaded up with the equipment and got directions to the hotel about 5 hours away from the high school. I was to follow the big yellow bus with the forty kids. The band director and one assistant drove in the bus with the kids. There were about 5-6 other mini vans with parents of the kids. I had packed a few beers in a cooler. I broke the first one out before we left the parking lot. I turned on the tunes and played follow the leader.
The bus driver drove straight to the hotel. He only stopped once for the kids to take a break. I jumped out and took a leak behind the van. I zipped up in time when I heard the band director come around the van. He was looking to make sure I was ok. He took a drink of one of my beers and smiled as he walked back to the yellow bus. I followed him and the bus another hour to the hotel. The kids unload the van. I got my small carry on bag out of the van. Before I got in to the lobby I was greeted by Chuck Weathers from the plant. He was Management for the company and was on leave as the workers were on strike. He busted my balls a few minutes before I got my key. I was on the 7ft floor down the hall from the band director.
Room 714. I threw my bag on the bed. I had two queen beds in my room. I took a shower and ordered some room service.
I heard the kids run up and down the hall. A few door slams and some giggling in the hallway. Every once in awhile somebody would scream for the kids to be quite. I was laying in my boxers having a steak and a beer when I heard a knock on the wall next to my room. A few seconds later there was a knock on the door connecting my room to room 716. "Wait a second!!" I said. Who the hell this could be. My TV was quite. I was minding my own business. I looked in the mirror. My short goatee was clean. My bald head was cleaned shaved. I put on a white wife beater and button my white boxers before I opened the connecting door.
As I opened I said "Yea What??" The door opened and inside stood Chuck. "Hey neighbor. Listen I am in kinda of a pickle. The wife and I have only one bed. Our daughter plays in the band. She was being teased my some girls in the horn section. One thing lead to another and she got kicked out of her room. there are no other rooms in the hotel. They are sold out." Chuck said. I paused "What are you telling me." I said. "I talked to the wife and I suggested maybe since I called down to the front desk and explained the situation. They told me you were next door and had two beds in your room." Chuck said. "I like my room, we can't switch." I just got ready for bed." I said. "Ok, Ok, Hmm. I snore really loud and we want our little princess to get some sleep before she performs tomorrow. Let me talk to the wife one second." said Chuck. Chuck turned around and walked over to his wife on the bed.
I went back into the room and called the wife. It was after 10pm. It went straight to voice mail. She must have gone to sleep or was still out. I turned when I heard a knock at the connecting door. I opened the door and Chuck was standing a few inches from the door. "Hey buddy, I talked to the wife. We were hoping you could do us a big favor. Just for tonight can our daughter stay with you. She can just sleep on the other bed. You won't even know she is there. In the morning she can some back to our room. What do you say. Be a pal." said Chuck. "Hmm NO!!!" I said.
"Ok, Ok how about a give you a few dollars to put her up for the night. Say how about $100." said Chuck. As I shook my head No!". Chuck reached in his wallet and pulled out 10 twenties. "Ok we have a deal. Give her a key if she needs to get back in your room." I said.
I stepped back and held the door open. Chuck daughter walked in with her pillow covering her front from the top of her knees to her chin. It was pink to go along with the pink shirt and pink shorts with the word "Junk in the trunk" spelled on it from one butt cheek to the other. She threw her small gym bag on the floor next to the spare bed. I laughed as her ass walked passed me and towards the bathroom. "Good night honey, listen to Mr. Buck tonight. You can come back in the morning. Go to bed Stephanie." said Chuck. I shut the door and locked the top.
I turned around and Stephanie had already shut the door to the restroom. I pulled back my sheets on my bed and sat on the edge of the bed. I heard a noise from next door. I got up and put my ear on the connecting door. I could hear Chuck and his wife going at it. A few seconds later the noise stopped. I heard Chuck bathroom door slam and his wife yell at him. I guess he struck out. I looked around the room. I took anther sip of beer as I was standing next to the connecting door. A few seconds later I hear the bathroom door from the other room open and slam again. The lights went out from the room. I began to itch my big balls inside my white boxer briefs. I took another sip. A few seconds later the door to bathroom opened and out came Stephanie.
I finally got a good look at her as she put her pillow on the spare bed. She was very sexy just like her mother. I had always liked girls with a blonde hair, large chest and a big butt. Stephanie was all of them with a little to spare around her mid section. She was about 5ft 7 with long curly blonde hair. Her shirt was stretched out in front and her butt filled out her small pink shorts. She spit out her gum in her hand. She threw it in the waste basket next to the bed. She stood standing next to the bed as she looked at me. I saw her eyes go from my feet to the top of my bald head.
"My parents still fighting or what? Did they get mad and go to bed. OMG there not doing it next door and you were listening. Hey wait a minute." she said. She walked over and leaned in front of me rubbing against my shirt as she put her ear on the door. She looked at me and smiled. She put her small hand on my beer can. I let go as she brought it up to her lips and took a sip. She put the beer can down on the dresser next to the TV. I could tell she had taken a big swig of beer because the sound was empty inside. She stuck her ear back on the door. "My Dad can be a big dick sometimes. He gets mad over the littlest things. I can't bileve he would let me stay with a guy right next door. He must have wanted to get it on with my Mom real bad." she said.
I laughed as I watched her put her ear back on the door. She turned her head looking me over again. I was starting to get kind of excited and my shorts were beginning to get tight. I think she saw because she dropped her head to the right and swung her butt i front of waist. I stuck my hands straight up not wanting to touch her. I watched as she picked up the beer can and finished off the rest of the beer. She smiled as she dropped the beer can in the waste basket. She walked over in front of my bed and reached into the cooler. She took out another can and tried to open it put her big pink finger nails could not open the top. She bit her lip as she walked over and handed me the beer can. I smiled as I opened it up and she grabbed the can from my hand. She took a big sip and handed it back to me.
"Do you think there a sleep yet?" she said. I nodded yes as I threw away the beer can into the waste basket. "Damn you sure drank that one fast. Do you do everything fast Mr. Kelly." Stephanie said. "Not everything. Call me Buck." I said. "You can call me anything Buck. I think they went to sleep too. Did you hear anything. I mean before I came out of the bathroom." she said. "No just your Mom mad and a door slam. Then the lights went off." I said. "Yeah my Dad either shot his load to fast or could not get it up. They fight about there sex life all the time. At least that what I hear."
I was puzzled and a little taken back by Stephanie mouth. I guess this is how they talk in school. I walked toward my bed. I sat down on the edge of the bed toward the top were my pillows hit my back. My two legs were on the ground and I was facing Steph as she continued to drink another beer. She smiled as she swung her legs underneath her her big butt. She sat on her knees as she moved around sipping her beer. I watched as she put down the beer on the night stand between us. She proceed to roll around on the covers. A few minutes later she was bouncing on the bed. I swung my legs up on the bed and leaned backed on my pillows. I watched as her big juggs bounced on her chest. She was clearly not wearing a bra. A few times I thought she might give her self a black eye from her big boobs.
I was starting to get more aroused as she was bouncing on the bed. Her shirt was moving up and down showing off her round midsection. I saw the bottom of her big boobs as they almost fell out her shirt a few times. She smiled. I think she liked teasing me. I looked down and my dick was half erect inside my boxer briefs. It looked like big worm as it grew down my upper thigh. I caught her checking me out as she stopped bouncing and walked to the edge of her bed. She was now staring as she looked at my cock outline in my white cotton briefs.
Her breathing had increased. I saw her take her right hand and moved it under her left breast. She took her free hand and was scratching her big butt. "Turn around Steph and let me see what your hiding behind you." I said. She smiled as she turned around showing me her nice ass. She began to shake it and look over her shoulder at me. She got down off the bed and was shaken her ass pretty good next to my bed. "That is one nice booty there Steph. I think there is a lot of junk in that trunk. I cleared my throat." I said. "Thanks Buck, my girl friends think my butt to big. They make fun of my size. That's why I got into a fight tonight. They made fun of my booty and my stomach. Those mean btches!!!!" she said.
"I can tell you a lot of guys like a women with a little extra." I said. She now turned around and put her hand on my bed. She gently touched my leg running her hand up my large calf all the way over my knee. Her eyes got bigger as she moved her hand over my thigh. She watched as my dick got bigger in my briefs. She leaned over touching my flat stomach as she looked into my eyes. I looked over at the connecting door and the room was still dark. I gently peeled my boxers down over my knees and my cock sprang out.
Steph moved her hand as my cock hit her on the back of her small hand. She turned her head and looked down at my cock. "Omg your dick is huge. Damn it makes my Dad looks so small." she said. There was a little pre-cum on the tip. She was nt sure what to do next but she placed her two hands around the shaft. She gently began to jack my big cock. She went from the base to the tip. her two hands where small compared to the large 9" in her hands. She was getting a pretty good rythm going. I thnk she had given a few hand jobs over the years. She was now hitting my balls as she moved faster and harder on my cock. her hair hung down on my chest and smelled of cocnuts. I reached down to feel her left breast under her shirt. They were so big in my large hand. Her nipple was fully erect in my palm. her knees were weak from me fondling her breast. But she kept jacking my cock. I could see the head of my cock getting dark purple. The main vein was huge as she kept up the pace. "God you have last the longest of anybody from my hand job. OMG you probly have ahuge load in those wrinkles balls. Come on blast me. Let see some goo. Yeah baby, do it for Step. Show me the money shot!!! Yes!!" said Steph.
I tensed up and my feet point straight out. I could feel it going up my my shaft to my cock head. My eyes watered as she kept stroking my cock. My butt cheeks clenched and I bit my lower lip. "Fuck yeah baby. You wanted to see me cumm, yeah here it comes." I looked down and big spurts off white goo shot out in to the air landing on the end of the bed. Some went down on the floor at the foot of the bed. "Damn its so much. Fuck yeah!! That it mister give me your cumm. Fuck it's still cumming." she said. I looked at her two hands they were both covered as she kept stroking my cock. I finally stopped. I watched as Steph jumped up and headed for the bathroom.
She came back a few seconds later with a wash clothes and cleaned off my cock and right leg. She laughed as she had to go get another towel to wipe her self off. I took a sip of my beer on the night stand as she walked into the bathroom. I heard her start the shower. A little steam was coming from the open door to the bath room. I got off the my bed and walked over to the door frame looking into the shower. She had the curtain closed but the side closer to the shower head was open. I could look into the big mirror and watch as she soap her big boobs.
I open the curtain and she smiled as I took the soap and washed her big butt. She leaned back and arched her back as I reached around her waist. Damn her boobs felt nice in my hands as the soap fell onto the bath tub. She closed her eyes and moaned into my ear. I rubbed my cock onto her ass. She wiggled around as I kissed her neck. I stuck one finger into her tight pussy. I started slow as I inserted a little at a time. Steph began to relax her pussy muscles. She grabbed my cock from behind and placed it at her pussy opening. I looked down as the water hit her neck and into my face. She was tanding on her tippy toes as I inched my large cock head into her pussy.
"Fuck it so big. OMG it feels so great. yeah baby, Fuck me!! Fuck me mister!!" aid Steph. I started to fuck her faster as more went inside her sweet tight pussy. She was very tight causing my dick to experice great pleasure. I grabbed her hips and fucked her harder and harder. She lost her balance and fell into the shower curtain. I could hear the water hitting the ground outside the tub. Damn she was hot. I leaned out and slammed the bathroom door. I was hoping her screams would be muffled as I fucked her. I could feel her lips slide up and down on my shaft as I fondled her breast. She was still moaning as my balls slapped her inside of her right butt cheek.
Stephanie caught her breath and shut off the water. She still had my hard cock inside her when she grabbed a towel to dry off. I followed her back into the bedroom with my cock still inside her hot pussy. I fell back on her bed. She climbed onto my cock with her big ass facing the connecting door. She looked down over her big breast as I smiled looking up at her. She slid her hot pussy back on my cock. She put her hands on my chest and began to ride my cock faster. I grabbed her stomach and picked her up slamming her all the way down on my cock. She moaned as I stuck her underwear in her mouth. I pulled her chest down and sucked her nipples. I could feel her pussy orgasm and soak her sheets. I pulled out my cock from her pussy and slid it in front of her stomach. I began to shoot hot sports of cumm on her chest. It hit under her boobs and hung down to my stomach. She got up and cleaned me off again with another towel.
It was almost 8am when I heard a knock at the door to my room. I put on a bath robe. I peeked out the door to see Stephanie Family in the hallway. I turned and opened the door to the bathroom. Steph was just getting the last bits of cumm out of her hair. She smiled. I opened the door. "Steph left about half hour ago to get some breakfast." I said. "Alright then. When you get ready come down I will buy you breakfast in the lobby. Thanks again for watching our Daughter." said Chuck. "No problem, she was very nice to have sleep over. Later." I said as I shut the door.
I order some room service. Knock! Knock! I had left the door ajar for the room service guy. Steph was standing next to me rubbing my chest. Her bath towel was wide open. Her left breast was exposed from the cold air and her nipple was fully erect. "Hmm what have we got here. My Daughter and my Husbands coworker." said a female voice. I tensed up when the door slammed. In came a tray off food pushed by Steph Mom. "I heard you two all night. My husband went to the band meet. We have all day till he gets back. Show my that big cock that my Daughter likes so much!!!!!"
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Camping Trip - Part 1
It was close to 8am when I finally got the truck packed for camping. I was heading down to North Carolina for some camping and fishing. I had packed for a week long trip in the woods. I had thrown in a big 4 person tent. A air bed with really fine cotton sheets. I had even brought along a big sleeping bag. I had thrown the canoe on the roof and the supplies in the back seat.
It was pushing almost noon when I need a break from the road. I also had to use the bathroom. I saw a sign up head for a gas station off the main highway. I was just outside Lenoir N.C. I pulled down the dirt road into the gas station to fill up. I filled up the truck with unleaded and headed inside to pay. There was a small diner attached to the gas station with a few people inside eating. I paid the clerk and went in the back of the station to use the bathroom. I walked back and got some cold beer and some chips for the road. I was standing there paying when I heard a women voice.
"Yeah, Yeah you had your chance. How many times can a girl wait for you. This is the third and last time you stand me up!!!" said the girl. I heard her click her cell phone. "Fucking men!!! Another wasted day waiting for a man to take me out." she said. I turned and looked down from my 6ft 4 bod. She was quite striking standing there with a upside down grin. Her hair was brunette with blonde streak just off the shoulders. She was wearing tight blue jeans and a red shirt stretched over her amazing breast. I looked down and she had on some brown hiking boots and a small duffel bag next to her purse.
I smiled and she finally looked up into me blue eyes. She smiled and shook her head to the side. She had put her hand on her hip just over her black leather belt. I noticed she had gold hoop earrings. Her finger nails were painted white on the tips and she smelled great. "Hi, My name is Buck. Are you ok Miss." I said. She smiled again. "Maybe, I finally got someone to watch my kids for a couple of days. I was suppose to go on a trip with this guy. We were going to his cabin in the woods. He decided to take his buddies instead. I guess I am not important, that Dick!!" she said. "Hmm, that is to bad. Sure is hard to find a baby sitter and get time off of from work. I finally got away from work for a week. But it does help you own the company." I said.
She looked down at her bag and than again back at me. "Where are you going. Your not from around these parts." she said. "I'm from Baltimore and I was going camping in the woods north of here. I got my truck outside and canoe for fishing. I have enough supplies for the week." I said. "Wow that's cool. well at least one of his going to have fun." she said. "Sorry!!" I said. "Oh by the way my name Crystal. Any ideas what I can do next?" she said. I shrugged my shoulder. Deep down I wanted to invite her to go camping but was kinda of shy. "Hey I got an idea. Can I go with you. I mean I grew up in these parts. I know them like the back of my hand. You won't get lost. I like camping. I can paddle and hike really good." she said.
Before I new it she was sitting next to me as we drove off. I tried to hit a few pot holes to see her jiggle in the seat next to me. She smiled and we made small talk as I drove. We played some music on the radio as he pointed out the scenery. We made fun of people riding in cars that we passed. It was almost 1:30 when we finally pulled into the parking spot of the State Park. We got out and she helped unload everything. I really liked when she leaned up and her boobs rub against the window of the truck as reached up to pull the canoe down. I hope she did not noticed I was getting hard watching her ass shake.
We put everything in the canoe and she got in the front. I paddled from the back. I locked the doors and she called her kids one last time. Her phone had a message and she laughed when we got about a mile down the river. "That son of bitch text me a message with another girl name. Mother Fucker!!!!!" said Crystal. I winced in the back. I watched as she pulled up her oar. She pulled up her shirt and pulled her collar out as she began to sweat. "Thanks for taking me Buck. This is fun. I really like camping." she said. "No problem Crystal glad your having fun.
We talked some more and made camp around 3pm. She went to gather fire wood. I pitched the ten and blew up the air mattress. I made the bed and threw on two big pillows and the sleeping bag. She started to fire. I got out two steaks and the beer. She made some baked potatoes and we finished the meal off with a some cheese cake she had bought for her trip. It was starting to get a little colder out. I put on a few logs on the fire. She got up and went into her bag and got out a sweat shirt. "I will be right back Buck. I have to powder my nose." she said. "Here take a flash light and call me if you need some help." I said.
It was almost 45 minutes before she came back. She had changed into a big grey sweat shirt and pants. She had kicked off her hiking boots and put on some big black fluffy slippers. She turned around and I saw her boobs flip to the right. I could tell she had taken off her bra. When she sat down in front of me and I looked down I could see she was naked underneath her sweat pants. I smiled as she moved her amazing ass back in front of my lap. I swung my legs open and she leaned back in to my chest. "Wow the stars are great tonight. A full moon. I did not even need the flash light. I saw you made the tent very nice inside." she said.
I smiled as she put her hands on my calves and rubbed them. She started to untie my boots and gently took them off. She took off my socks and began to rub the top of my feet. I began to rub her neck and outside of her sweat shirt on her back. She moved her head back and forth as I massaged her back. She leaned forward as I traced my fingers down her back. Crystal finally said. "Buck it OK. You can rub inside my shirt. Here baby." I watched as she pulled her shirt over her head and placed it on the ground next the fire. Her skin was amazing next to the flicker of the fire. I began to massage her naked back as her breathing increased.
I watched as she began to massage higher up my leg to my thigh. She leaned back and ran her hands under my shirt feeling my hard abs tighten. She closed her eyes as I leaned down and began to kiss her neck. I heard her moan for the first time as she pulled my hands around the front of her waist. I could feel her large boobs on the top of my big hands. Her nipples were hard as I tweaked them with my two fingers. She gasped for air and jammed her ass back into my crotch. I think she felt my erection for the first time. All 8 1/2 inches was hard inside my jeans.
I watched as she got up and began to unbuckle her tight jeans. She placed the black belt around my neck and pulled me to my feet. She was now naked and ripped my shirt off my chest. She ran her hands and kissed my nipples. My abs and flat stomach contracted as I felt her soft boobs on them. I then felt her hand unbuckle my jeans. They fell to the ground. I had on my white cotton briefs. She looked down and traced my hard cock with her right middle finger. She could see my purple head was engorged as she pulled down on my under wear. First the tip and then the whole length hit my stomach as she forced off my briefs in front of the fire.
I looked down as she got on her knees. She sucked the precum off the tip of my big cock. She then spit on him as she sucked harder and harder. Her whole mouth was full as she made huge slurping noises. I could hear the trees moving and a few owls and birds in the distance. I looked down as she stroked my big balls and dick. I felt her move her hand around my butt giving it a nice squeeze. I felt her hair hit my stomach as she deep throated my cock. i could feel her breast rub against my thigh and knee cap. I saw her drop her right hand to play with her pussy, I reached down and fondled her chest causing her to close her eyes. I picked up the pace and began to fuck her face faster. She pulled off my cock after 20 minutes and yelled. "Fuck baby give me that cumm. Show me how you like it. Show me some big boy. Fuck yes!! Come on Come on!!!" I leaned back as my knees got weak. I looked straight ahead as she aimed my cock at her mouth. The first shot hit the back of her throat then next her chin. She quickly leaned forward engulfing my cock. Spasm after spasm filled her mouth. She did not miss an ounce swallowing me whole.
Crystal got up and I held her hand back to the tent. I unzipped the tent and she crawled in. She way lying on her back as I got between her legs with my face. I reached up with my right hand and began to fondle her breast. She look down her body as I smiled above her pussy mound. My eyes got bigger as her pussy lips got bigger in my face. I used my free hand to trace circles on the outside of her thighs and pussy. I stuck one finger in my mouth and then slowly inserted it passed her cunt lips. She closed her eyes and bit her upper lip. I then ran my large tongues on her labia causing her to breath heavier. I swirled my tongue clockwise then the opposite way inside her pussy. I held on to her stomach and tits as she squirmed around. I felt her release her juices into my mouth after a short period.
"Fuck baby!! That's it!! I'm cumming, You made me cum camping boy. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck me big boy. Put the huge cock in my pussy!!!" she said. I kept eating her pussy for another 30 minutes and two more orgasm before I got on my knees. I slowly leaned forward inserting my hard cock into her tight pussy. She was on fire inside as we picked up rhythm. I slammed her faster and faster as she moaned beneath me. "Damn baby your pussy is so god damn hot. I love fucking you!! Fuck!! grunt grunt!! Grunt AArrrggghhh. I was cumming hard and she tensed up and orgasms on my cock. Are juices mixed as I continued to fuck her.
I heard the birds chirp outside the tent. I could feel Crystal breast rise against my face. I felt her hand release my ass as I rolled over. My cock was semi hard as I looked down at her. Her breast had small red marks from my biting and sucking them last night. I had cumm at least 4 times before we fell asleep. I went outside and made us breakfast. I fed her in bed as she kissed and made out before we got dressed.
She help me put the fishing poles and bait in the canoe. I slapped her ass and we kissed as we paddled out in the middle of a lake near the river. It was nice and calm as we had a beer and set are lines. We both smiled at each other. I watched as she moved back to where I was sitting. She was on the middle wooden seat that was large in the canoe. She smiled as I saw her hand go inside her daisy duke shorts. She then pulled her shirt over her head causing her big tits to fall out into the open air. "Buck I need some help. Fishing makes me so horny." she said. I laughed and said "You make me horny baby."
I got in between her legs in the canoe and ate her pussy again getting it nice and wet. She turned over and got on her knees on the seat. She reached forward as I inserted my hard cock into her pussy. Damn she wet and her pussy came on my shaft again after a few strokes. I started to fuck her doggy style as the canoe shook in the water. I slapped her ass and pulled her hair as she cried out. I fucked her harder and harder as she screamed. She came again as I reached around and fondled her breast. I fell back on my seat as she got up and straddled my lap. Her ass fell down on my thighs as my cock went insider her pussy, We kissed and her breast rested on my chest. She rode my cock faster and started to bite my neck causing me to pick her up slamming her down on my cock. I was finally all the way in as she rode me for twenty minutes before I came deep inside her.
I am pretty sure the reason we did not catch any fish that day was from us screaming and fucking but I tell my friends some good fishing stories. It was only day two and there is more to the story. I think I will go get some baby oil to help my cock remind of part 2 of our story.
Crystal & Buck Camping Trip
It was pushing almost noon when I need a break from the road. I also had to use the bathroom. I saw a sign up head for a gas station off the main highway. I was just outside Lenoir N.C. I pulled down the dirt road into the gas station to fill up. I filled up the truck with unleaded and headed inside to pay. There was a small diner attached to the gas station with a few people inside eating. I paid the clerk and went in the back of the station to use the bathroom. I walked back and got some cold beer and some chips for the road. I was standing there paying when I heard a women voice.
"Yeah, Yeah you had your chance. How many times can a girl wait for you. This is the third and last time you stand me up!!!" said the girl. I heard her click her cell phone. "Fucking men!!! Another wasted day waiting for a man to take me out." she said. I turned and looked down from my 6ft 4 bod. She was quite striking standing there with a upside down grin. Her hair was brunette with blonde streak just off the shoulders. She was wearing tight blue jeans and a red shirt stretched over her amazing breast. I looked down and she had on some brown hiking boots and a small duffel bag next to her purse.
I smiled and she finally looked up into me blue eyes. She smiled and shook her head to the side. She had put her hand on her hip just over her black leather belt. I noticed she had gold hoop earrings. Her finger nails were painted white on the tips and she smelled great. "Hi, My name is Buck. Are you ok Miss." I said. She smiled again. "Maybe, I finally got someone to watch my kids for a couple of days. I was suppose to go on a trip with this guy. We were going to his cabin in the woods. He decided to take his buddies instead. I guess I am not important, that Dick!!" she said. "Hmm, that is to bad. Sure is hard to find a baby sitter and get time off of from work. I finally got away from work for a week. But it does help you own the company." I said.
She looked down at her bag and than again back at me. "Where are you going. Your not from around these parts." she said. "I'm from Baltimore and I was going camping in the woods north of here. I got my truck outside and canoe for fishing. I have enough supplies for the week." I said. "Wow that's cool. well at least one of his going to have fun." she said. "Sorry!!" I said. "Oh by the way my name Crystal. Any ideas what I can do next?" she said. I shrugged my shoulder. Deep down I wanted to invite her to go camping but was kinda of shy. "Hey I got an idea. Can I go with you. I mean I grew up in these parts. I know them like the back of my hand. You won't get lost. I like camping. I can paddle and hike really good." she said.
Before I new it she was sitting next to me as we drove off. I tried to hit a few pot holes to see her jiggle in the seat next to me. She smiled and we made small talk as I drove. We played some music on the radio as he pointed out the scenery. We made fun of people riding in cars that we passed. It was almost 1:30 when we finally pulled into the parking spot of the State Park. We got out and she helped unload everything. I really liked when she leaned up and her boobs rub against the window of the truck as reached up to pull the canoe down. I hope she did not noticed I was getting hard watching her ass shake.
We put everything in the canoe and she got in the front. I paddled from the back. I locked the doors and she called her kids one last time. Her phone had a message and she laughed when we got about a mile down the river. "That son of bitch text me a message with another girl name. Mother Fucker!!!!!" said Crystal. I winced in the back. I watched as she pulled up her oar. She pulled up her shirt and pulled her collar out as she began to sweat. "Thanks for taking me Buck. This is fun. I really like camping." she said. "No problem Crystal glad your having fun.
We talked some more and made camp around 3pm. She went to gather fire wood. I pitched the ten and blew up the air mattress. I made the bed and threw on two big pillows and the sleeping bag. She started to fire. I got out two steaks and the beer. She made some baked potatoes and we finished the meal off with a some cheese cake she had bought for her trip. It was starting to get a little colder out. I put on a few logs on the fire. She got up and went into her bag and got out a sweat shirt. "I will be right back Buck. I have to powder my nose." she said. "Here take a flash light and call me if you need some help." I said.
It was almost 45 minutes before she came back. She had changed into a big grey sweat shirt and pants. She had kicked off her hiking boots and put on some big black fluffy slippers. She turned around and I saw her boobs flip to the right. I could tell she had taken off her bra. When she sat down in front of me and I looked down I could see she was naked underneath her sweat pants. I smiled as she moved her amazing ass back in front of my lap. I swung my legs open and she leaned back in to my chest. "Wow the stars are great tonight. A full moon. I did not even need the flash light. I saw you made the tent very nice inside." she said.
I smiled as she put her hands on my calves and rubbed them. She started to untie my boots and gently took them off. She took off my socks and began to rub the top of my feet. I began to rub her neck and outside of her sweat shirt on her back. She moved her head back and forth as I massaged her back. She leaned forward as I traced my fingers down her back. Crystal finally said. "Buck it OK. You can rub inside my shirt. Here baby." I watched as she pulled her shirt over her head and placed it on the ground next the fire. Her skin was amazing next to the flicker of the fire. I began to massage her naked back as her breathing increased.
I watched as she began to massage higher up my leg to my thigh. She leaned back and ran her hands under my shirt feeling my hard abs tighten. She closed her eyes as I leaned down and began to kiss her neck. I heard her moan for the first time as she pulled my hands around the front of her waist. I could feel her large boobs on the top of my big hands. Her nipples were hard as I tweaked them with my two fingers. She gasped for air and jammed her ass back into my crotch. I think she felt my erection for the first time. All 8 1/2 inches was hard inside my jeans.
I watched as she got up and began to unbuckle her tight jeans. She placed the black belt around my neck and pulled me to my feet. She was now naked and ripped my shirt off my chest. She ran her hands and kissed my nipples. My abs and flat stomach contracted as I felt her soft boobs on them. I then felt her hand unbuckle my jeans. They fell to the ground. I had on my white cotton briefs. She looked down and traced my hard cock with her right middle finger. She could see my purple head was engorged as she pulled down on my under wear. First the tip and then the whole length hit my stomach as she forced off my briefs in front of the fire.
I looked down as she got on her knees. She sucked the precum off the tip of my big cock. She then spit on him as she sucked harder and harder. Her whole mouth was full as she made huge slurping noises. I could hear the trees moving and a few owls and birds in the distance. I looked down as she stroked my big balls and dick. I felt her move her hand around my butt giving it a nice squeeze. I felt her hair hit my stomach as she deep throated my cock. i could feel her breast rub against my thigh and knee cap. I saw her drop her right hand to play with her pussy, I reached down and fondled her chest causing her to close her eyes. I picked up the pace and began to fuck her face faster. She pulled off my cock after 20 minutes and yelled. "Fuck baby give me that cumm. Show me how you like it. Show me some big boy. Fuck yes!! Come on Come on!!!" I leaned back as my knees got weak. I looked straight ahead as she aimed my cock at her mouth. The first shot hit the back of her throat then next her chin. She quickly leaned forward engulfing my cock. Spasm after spasm filled her mouth. She did not miss an ounce swallowing me whole.
Crystal got up and I held her hand back to the tent. I unzipped the tent and she crawled in. She way lying on her back as I got between her legs with my face. I reached up with my right hand and began to fondle her breast. She look down her body as I smiled above her pussy mound. My eyes got bigger as her pussy lips got bigger in my face. I used my free hand to trace circles on the outside of her thighs and pussy. I stuck one finger in my mouth and then slowly inserted it passed her cunt lips. She closed her eyes and bit her upper lip. I then ran my large tongues on her labia causing her to breath heavier. I swirled my tongue clockwise then the opposite way inside her pussy. I held on to her stomach and tits as she squirmed around. I felt her release her juices into my mouth after a short period.
"Fuck baby!! That's it!! I'm cumming, You made me cum camping boy. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck me big boy. Put the huge cock in my pussy!!!" she said. I kept eating her pussy for another 30 minutes and two more orgasm before I got on my knees. I slowly leaned forward inserting my hard cock into her tight pussy. She was on fire inside as we picked up rhythm. I slammed her faster and faster as she moaned beneath me. "Damn baby your pussy is so god damn hot. I love fucking you!! Fuck!! grunt grunt!! Grunt AArrrggghhh. I was cumming hard and she tensed up and orgasms on my cock. Are juices mixed as I continued to fuck her.
I heard the birds chirp outside the tent. I could feel Crystal breast rise against my face. I felt her hand release my ass as I rolled over. My cock was semi hard as I looked down at her. Her breast had small red marks from my biting and sucking them last night. I had cumm at least 4 times before we fell asleep. I went outside and made us breakfast. I fed her in bed as she kissed and made out before we got dressed.
She help me put the fishing poles and bait in the canoe. I slapped her ass and we kissed as we paddled out in the middle of a lake near the river. It was nice and calm as we had a beer and set are lines. We both smiled at each other. I watched as she moved back to where I was sitting. She was on the middle wooden seat that was large in the canoe. She smiled as I saw her hand go inside her daisy duke shorts. She then pulled her shirt over her head causing her big tits to fall out into the open air. "Buck I need some help. Fishing makes me so horny." she said. I laughed and said "You make me horny baby."
I got in between her legs in the canoe and ate her pussy again getting it nice and wet. She turned over and got on her knees on the seat. She reached forward as I inserted my hard cock into her pussy. Damn she wet and her pussy came on my shaft again after a few strokes. I started to fuck her doggy style as the canoe shook in the water. I slapped her ass and pulled her hair as she cried out. I fucked her harder and harder as she screamed. She came again as I reached around and fondled her breast. I fell back on my seat as she got up and straddled my lap. Her ass fell down on my thighs as my cock went insider her pussy, We kissed and her breast rested on my chest. She rode my cock faster and started to bite my neck causing me to pick her up slamming her down on my cock. I was finally all the way in as she rode me for twenty minutes before I came deep inside her.
I am pretty sure the reason we did not catch any fish that day was from us screaming and fucking but I tell my friends some good fishing stories. It was only day two and there is more to the story. I think I will go get some baby oil to help my cock remind of part 2 of our story.
Crystal & Buck Camping Trip
Hitch Hiker - MILF in the Cabin
I decided after leaving college my senior year to go out and find myself. I never thought I would hitch hike across California from the border up to the Sierras in the Northern California. I was going to get to Seatlle for a change of scenery. I had caught a ride in San Francisco and was being dropped off at around 3pm on the side of the road at he base of the Sierra Mtns. I said goodbye to the trucker who gave me a ride in the back of his pick up.
It was beginning to snow. A few snow flakes hit my face and head. I had a short hair cut and not shaven in a a few days. I had on a pair of blue jeans, two pairs of sock on my feet. Along with some hiking boot and a black t-shirt and blue winter jacket. I had forgot to bring a ski hat or gloves. It was nearly 80 when I began the trip. How time have changed. I walked for about half mile before I got another ride.
We made it about 1/3 of the way up the mtn before the guy pulled along a dirt road off the main highway. He let me out of his car as his house was up the dirt road. I through my back pack on the wet ground and sat down. I saw a few cars go bye and it started to get a little darker around 6pm. I began to walk and zipped up my jacket. It was one car after another as it got darker and the snow began to stick on the road and ground. I was getting nervous but not scared.
I ws drinking an energy drink and a candy bar when I saw in the distance some headlights. The Suv began to slow down and I stuck out my thunmb. The Suv slowed down. It came to a stop just ahead of me. I quickly finshed my drink and candy. I put the wraper and can in my back pack as I got close to the Suv. The front passanger door opened. I climbeed in and through my back pack in the back seat. I turned my head to say thank you but my mouth could not speak a word.
The driver was a women. She had long black hair that was on her shoulder. She had the most amazing eyes - high lited by the cutest eye brows. She had ruby red lips. Two big gold hoop earrings set off her beauty. She had all the right curves in all the right places. I could see her ass was amazing in her black jeans. As she moved to give me a better look in her seat. She wore big white fluffy boots that came up half way on her tight legs. I could tell she kept in shape and loved to show off her dynamite figure. She was wearing a white shirt under a large black leather jacket. I was still speechless and stared.
I turned my head and saw some kids toys in the back. There was a car seat and room for another. I noticed there was a suit case all the way in the back. I turned my head again towards her. "Hi!" was all I could say. "Hello there. What are you doing out there in this weather?" she said. "I've been tracking across California to find a new job maybe in Seatlle. I got kinda of caught in the middle of a ride. Thanks for stopping." I siad. "Ok, what your name? My name is Suzi. Glad to meet you crazy boy in the snow." Suzi said. "Glad to meet you Suzi my name is Buck!" I said. We both starred out the front wind shield and made small talk.
Suzi told me about how she worked as a child care provider at a day care center. She loves candles and wine. Her favortie store is Bath and Body Works. She was getting away for the weekend. She decide to go see a friend who lived high on the mountain. I told her about some parties at school. How I liked the outdoors and needed to find myslef before starting a career. We both laughed and giggled.
The raido was on but only in the back ground. It was getting to snow a little harder and the road was getting harder to see. I was looking out the side window when I heard a noise coming from the engine. "Darn, I better pull over. I just rented this Suv this morning. I hope everything is Ok!!" said Suzi. The Suv came to a stop and she popped the hood. I jumped out and looked inside. It was snowing bad and she tried to start the Suv a few times but did not start. I came up the side of the Suv and Suzi rolled down her window.
"Anything Buck!" she said. "No, I can't tell in the dark and with this snow. Have you seen and cars go bye in awile. Did we past anything?" I said. "No, its been ahile since I noticed anything or anybody. I guess we were talking and not paying attention." Suzi said. "It's ok, let me think." I said. I looked around and saw a dirt trail off the side of the road. It was about 30 feet on the right. "Lets go see where that road leads. We can leave the Suv here and call in the morning." I said. Suzi smiled and got out of the Suv. I followed her tight ass back around the Suv. We put down the tail gate and got her suit case. I also carried my back pack.
She followed me as we picked up the pole blocking the dirt road. We walked up the dirt road. It bent around a few times and we used the moon light over head to light the trail. I could see a house about 100 yards away at the end of the trail. We caaught our breath and walked the rest of the way.
The house turned out to be a cabin in the woods. There was a large creek that ran around the cabin throguh some thick pine trees. It was all covered in snow. There were no lights on or a car in the driveway. I knocked on the door as Suzi stood behind me. A few knocks and still nothing. I called out a few "Hello's!!!" but still no answer. Suzi felt around the door and I looked in a few planters next to the front door for a key. Finally she picked up the welcome mat and found a key inside an envelope. We used the key to open the door.
I dropped Suzi suit case on the floor inside the main room. I put my back pack on the floor next to the wooden kitchen table. I looked around and found some match sticks. I lit one. I then lit some candles and used them to see the inside of the cabin. We found a light switch and the cabin lit up. Suzi shook out her long hair from the snow and smiled. I went and started a fire in the fireplace. I put a few logs on and the cabin was getting warm. We found a note o nthe fridge. The pople had rented out there cabin to a group. But the group was not to be there for another two weeks.
I opened the fridge as Suzi went to look around the cabin. I found a nice bottle of wine. Some fruit and cheese in the bottom of the fridge. I heard Suzi at the end of the hallway leading from the kitchen. "Buck take a look." I came down the hall with a bottle in one hand the plate of food in the other. I looked inside. There was a big master bedroom with a large bathroom. It had a big jacuzzi tub and a nice shower. Suzi closed the door. "Buck go to living room, I will be right out."
I went and got her suit case and put it on the big king size bed. I went back in the living room. I dim the lights. I lit some candles around the room. I found a black bear skin rug under a chair. I moved in front of the fireplace. I took off my boots and jacket. I sat on the leather couch. I was getting warm from the fire. I took off my socks and placed them on my boots. I put the tray of food on the wooden coffee table. I waited about twenty minutes before I heard some foot steps from the hallway.
It seems Suzi had changed from a few minutes ago. "Why I see you made the place feel warm and cozy Young Buck!!" She smiled. I smiled and open the bottle of wine. Suzi had changed into a black full length sheer robe. She was wearing a a matching black bra and panty set that hung high in her hips. I began to breath heavier as she sat down next to me on the couch. She had applied some perfume that was driivng me wild. Damn was she ever turning me on. She croseed her legs and her feet came into view. She had suck pretty feet with her painted red toes nails to mactch her lips and finger nails. She had a gold tow ring and matching ankle bracelt.
I was ready to pass out from her sheer beauty. Being 6ft 3 and having worked out some. I was begining to feel flush. I scratched my tight abs and asked her "Would you like a glass of wine." she nodded "Yes". I poured two glasses and we ate some of the fruit. She looked into my eyes. We then opened another bottle of wine. I poured her another glass. She started to feed me some strawberries and lick her fingers after the tough my lips. "Buck lets get on the floor. I always wanted to lay on a bear skin rug."
I smiled as we moved the coffee table. She layed on her side and I got down on my knees. We both looked at each other. She motion for me to lay on my side facing her. She ran her small hand up my arm stopping at the top of my forehead. "You have such pretty eyes Buck." "So do you Suzi, I just Muuh!!!" Was all I could say. She started to kiss my lips. Her lips were so soft and I held the back of her neck. We kissed a few minutes and ran each othe hands over our bodies.
I smiled as she undid her robe and let me see her cleavage for the first time. Her breast were amazing and looked perfect under the candel lights. I then felt her pull my shirt over my head. I throught it on the couch. She then undid my belt. She pulled on the end of my size 28 belt. She placed it on the coffe table. I looked down and she had taken off her robe. We started to kiss again this time more deeply. I undid her bra and then felt her ass. Her butt was amazing in my large hands. Her breast fell into my bare chest. Her nipples were on fire and she grinded them into my chest. I could feel the fire behind me as we kissed some more.
I then pull down her panties and placed them on the end of the rug. She smiled and closed her eyes. I ran my hand down passed her breast stopping at the top of her mound. She spread her legs as she rolled over on her back. I began to kiss her again. I wet my middle finger and felt her lips part as I began to play with her tight pussy. I took my time stroking her pussy with my finger using one more as her pussy orgasmed on my hand. I then took my mouth off hers.
I started to kiss down her neck and the top of her chest. She giggled as I kissed and sucked her nipples and breast. I kissed her belly button. She pushed my head down her body. I finally got to her pussy. I began to kiss the top of her pussy. I licked her cunt lips and the top of her pussy. I ran my tongue in a circiler motion on her pussy. She came 2 more times before she said. "Fuck me!! Fuck me Buck11 Fuck me!!!
I took off my underwear freeing my erect 8 1/2 inch cock. I then moved up and slowly slapped the inside of her thigh with my cock. Her mouth dropped open and she opene her eyes. She looked down between her legs as I inserted the head into her pussy. Her cunt lips grabbed ahold of my long shaft. I started to fuck her slowly. I was building up rythm as she came again. She grabbed the back of my neck as I pound her pussy harder. "Fuck baby!! Your so tight Suzi!! Fuck!! Fuck!! " I said. Suzi was moaning low and biting her lips as we fucked harder. I could here my dick being sucked and pulled inside her wet pussy. My big balls slapped the inside of her thighs just under her pussy. I could feel them get wet as she came again.
My knees were beganing to shake as I started to grunt. I pulled out after 30 minutes of fucking Suzi. She gasped as she saw my big cock get closer to her face. I started to spurt as her mouth engulfed my cock. I saw her eyes get bigger as I kept cumming. She did not let a drop fall out as a big load had hit the back of her throat. She pushed me over onto the rug. We both laid there for a few seconds. all I could here was her breathing. I reached up and felt her pussy. She smiled as she looked down her perfect body into my eyes. I smiled and her head fell back and she giggled. "Lets go take a shower!! I need my back washed." said Suzi.
We both got up and walked back to the master bathroom. We held hands and kissed twice down the hall before we got to the bathroom. She started the water. I opened the closet next to the sink. There was a hole cabinet full of Bath and Body Works supplies. I picked out the vanilla bean lotion and candy cane soap. I turned as she got in the hot water.
Part 2
Cumming soon
It was beginning to snow. A few snow flakes hit my face and head. I had a short hair cut and not shaven in a a few days. I had on a pair of blue jeans, two pairs of sock on my feet. Along with some hiking boot and a black t-shirt and blue winter jacket. I had forgot to bring a ski hat or gloves. It was nearly 80 when I began the trip. How time have changed. I walked for about half mile before I got another ride.
We made it about 1/3 of the way up the mtn before the guy pulled along a dirt road off the main highway. He let me out of his car as his house was up the dirt road. I through my back pack on the wet ground and sat down. I saw a few cars go bye and it started to get a little darker around 6pm. I began to walk and zipped up my jacket. It was one car after another as it got darker and the snow began to stick on the road and ground. I was getting nervous but not scared.
I ws drinking an energy drink and a candy bar when I saw in the distance some headlights. The Suv began to slow down and I stuck out my thunmb. The Suv slowed down. It came to a stop just ahead of me. I quickly finshed my drink and candy. I put the wraper and can in my back pack as I got close to the Suv. The front passanger door opened. I climbeed in and through my back pack in the back seat. I turned my head to say thank you but my mouth could not speak a word.
The driver was a women. She had long black hair that was on her shoulder. She had the most amazing eyes - high lited by the cutest eye brows. She had ruby red lips. Two big gold hoop earrings set off her beauty. She had all the right curves in all the right places. I could see her ass was amazing in her black jeans. As she moved to give me a better look in her seat. She wore big white fluffy boots that came up half way on her tight legs. I could tell she kept in shape and loved to show off her dynamite figure. She was wearing a white shirt under a large black leather jacket. I was still speechless and stared.
I turned my head and saw some kids toys in the back. There was a car seat and room for another. I noticed there was a suit case all the way in the back. I turned my head again towards her. "Hi!" was all I could say. "Hello there. What are you doing out there in this weather?" she said. "I've been tracking across California to find a new job maybe in Seatlle. I got kinda of caught in the middle of a ride. Thanks for stopping." I siad. "Ok, what your name? My name is Suzi. Glad to meet you crazy boy in the snow." Suzi said. "Glad to meet you Suzi my name is Buck!" I said. We both starred out the front wind shield and made small talk.
Suzi told me about how she worked as a child care provider at a day care center. She loves candles and wine. Her favortie store is Bath and Body Works. She was getting away for the weekend. She decide to go see a friend who lived high on the mountain. I told her about some parties at school. How I liked the outdoors and needed to find myslef before starting a career. We both laughed and giggled.
The raido was on but only in the back ground. It was getting to snow a little harder and the road was getting harder to see. I was looking out the side window when I heard a noise coming from the engine. "Darn, I better pull over. I just rented this Suv this morning. I hope everything is Ok!!" said Suzi. The Suv came to a stop and she popped the hood. I jumped out and looked inside. It was snowing bad and she tried to start the Suv a few times but did not start. I came up the side of the Suv and Suzi rolled down her window.
"Anything Buck!" she said. "No, I can't tell in the dark and with this snow. Have you seen and cars go bye in awile. Did we past anything?" I said. "No, its been ahile since I noticed anything or anybody. I guess we were talking and not paying attention." Suzi said. "It's ok, let me think." I said. I looked around and saw a dirt trail off the side of the road. It was about 30 feet on the right. "Lets go see where that road leads. We can leave the Suv here and call in the morning." I said. Suzi smiled and got out of the Suv. I followed her tight ass back around the Suv. We put down the tail gate and got her suit case. I also carried my back pack.
She followed me as we picked up the pole blocking the dirt road. We walked up the dirt road. It bent around a few times and we used the moon light over head to light the trail. I could see a house about 100 yards away at the end of the trail. We caaught our breath and walked the rest of the way.
The house turned out to be a cabin in the woods. There was a large creek that ran around the cabin throguh some thick pine trees. It was all covered in snow. There were no lights on or a car in the driveway. I knocked on the door as Suzi stood behind me. A few knocks and still nothing. I called out a few "Hello's!!!" but still no answer. Suzi felt around the door and I looked in a few planters next to the front door for a key. Finally she picked up the welcome mat and found a key inside an envelope. We used the key to open the door.
I dropped Suzi suit case on the floor inside the main room. I put my back pack on the floor next to the wooden kitchen table. I looked around and found some match sticks. I lit one. I then lit some candles and used them to see the inside of the cabin. We found a light switch and the cabin lit up. Suzi shook out her long hair from the snow and smiled. I went and started a fire in the fireplace. I put a few logs on and the cabin was getting warm. We found a note o nthe fridge. The pople had rented out there cabin to a group. But the group was not to be there for another two weeks.
I opened the fridge as Suzi went to look around the cabin. I found a nice bottle of wine. Some fruit and cheese in the bottom of the fridge. I heard Suzi at the end of the hallway leading from the kitchen. "Buck take a look." I came down the hall with a bottle in one hand the plate of food in the other. I looked inside. There was a big master bedroom with a large bathroom. It had a big jacuzzi tub and a nice shower. Suzi closed the door. "Buck go to living room, I will be right out."
I went and got her suit case and put it on the big king size bed. I went back in the living room. I dim the lights. I lit some candles around the room. I found a black bear skin rug under a chair. I moved in front of the fireplace. I took off my boots and jacket. I sat on the leather couch. I was getting warm from the fire. I took off my socks and placed them on my boots. I put the tray of food on the wooden coffee table. I waited about twenty minutes before I heard some foot steps from the hallway.
It seems Suzi had changed from a few minutes ago. "Why I see you made the place feel warm and cozy Young Buck!!" She smiled. I smiled and open the bottle of wine. Suzi had changed into a black full length sheer robe. She was wearing a a matching black bra and panty set that hung high in her hips. I began to breath heavier as she sat down next to me on the couch. She had applied some perfume that was driivng me wild. Damn was she ever turning me on. She croseed her legs and her feet came into view. She had suck pretty feet with her painted red toes nails to mactch her lips and finger nails. She had a gold tow ring and matching ankle bracelt.
I was ready to pass out from her sheer beauty. Being 6ft 3 and having worked out some. I was begining to feel flush. I scratched my tight abs and asked her "Would you like a glass of wine." she nodded "Yes". I poured two glasses and we ate some of the fruit. She looked into my eyes. We then opened another bottle of wine. I poured her another glass. She started to feed me some strawberries and lick her fingers after the tough my lips. "Buck lets get on the floor. I always wanted to lay on a bear skin rug."
I smiled as we moved the coffee table. She layed on her side and I got down on my knees. We both looked at each other. She motion for me to lay on my side facing her. She ran her small hand up my arm stopping at the top of my forehead. "You have such pretty eyes Buck." "So do you Suzi, I just Muuh!!!" Was all I could say. She started to kiss my lips. Her lips were so soft and I held the back of her neck. We kissed a few minutes and ran each othe hands over our bodies.
I smiled as she undid her robe and let me see her cleavage for the first time. Her breast were amazing and looked perfect under the candel lights. I then felt her pull my shirt over my head. I throught it on the couch. She then undid my belt. She pulled on the end of my size 28 belt. She placed it on the coffe table. I looked down and she had taken off her robe. We started to kiss again this time more deeply. I undid her bra and then felt her ass. Her butt was amazing in my large hands. Her breast fell into my bare chest. Her nipples were on fire and she grinded them into my chest. I could feel the fire behind me as we kissed some more.
I then pull down her panties and placed them on the end of the rug. She smiled and closed her eyes. I ran my hand down passed her breast stopping at the top of her mound. She spread her legs as she rolled over on her back. I began to kiss her again. I wet my middle finger and felt her lips part as I began to play with her tight pussy. I took my time stroking her pussy with my finger using one more as her pussy orgasmed on my hand. I then took my mouth off hers.
I started to kiss down her neck and the top of her chest. She giggled as I kissed and sucked her nipples and breast. I kissed her belly button. She pushed my head down her body. I finally got to her pussy. I began to kiss the top of her pussy. I licked her cunt lips and the top of her pussy. I ran my tongue in a circiler motion on her pussy. She came 2 more times before she said. "Fuck me!! Fuck me Buck11 Fuck me!!!
I took off my underwear freeing my erect 8 1/2 inch cock. I then moved up and slowly slapped the inside of her thigh with my cock. Her mouth dropped open and she opene her eyes. She looked down between her legs as I inserted the head into her pussy. Her cunt lips grabbed ahold of my long shaft. I started to fuck her slowly. I was building up rythm as she came again. She grabbed the back of my neck as I pound her pussy harder. "Fuck baby!! Your so tight Suzi!! Fuck!! Fuck!! " I said. Suzi was moaning low and biting her lips as we fucked harder. I could here my dick being sucked and pulled inside her wet pussy. My big balls slapped the inside of her thighs just under her pussy. I could feel them get wet as she came again.
My knees were beganing to shake as I started to grunt. I pulled out after 30 minutes of fucking Suzi. She gasped as she saw my big cock get closer to her face. I started to spurt as her mouth engulfed my cock. I saw her eyes get bigger as I kept cumming. She did not let a drop fall out as a big load had hit the back of her throat. She pushed me over onto the rug. We both laid there for a few seconds. all I could here was her breathing. I reached up and felt her pussy. She smiled as she looked down her perfect body into my eyes. I smiled and her head fell back and she giggled. "Lets go take a shower!! I need my back washed." said Suzi.
We both got up and walked back to the master bathroom. We held hands and kissed twice down the hall before we got to the bathroom. She started the water. I opened the closet next to the sink. There was a hole cabinet full of Bath and Body Works supplies. I picked out the vanilla bean lotion and candy cane soap. I turned as she got in the hot water.
Part 2
Cumming soon
Math Class - Student vs Teacher Buck
I was new at the school. Only been there for about month before classes started in late August. I was the track coach part time and did not start training for croos country until the end of September. I kept in good shape with flat abs to go along with my 6ft 4 frame. I had to run to keep up with these kids at the school.
I did not start until 2nd period on Mondays, so I got in early to set up my desk and write my name on the chalk board. The bell rang and the door to my class open. In came each kid and they took a seat alphabetic to there last name. I took a quick roll call around the room. Everyone was present accept for Summer Smith. I waited a few minutes and about 15 minutes into class the door open and in came a cute blonde about 5ft 5. She looked at the chalk board and said "Sorry I am late Mr. Kelly but I was in the principal offices." I looked her from head to toe. She was very hot and had a nice big chest. Long legs and a very tight butt inside her black leather mini skirt. "Take a seat up front right over there." I said.
She walked over and sat in front of my desk. I figured she was late might as well take a peek while she is in class. My wife left me about a year ago for not being home alot because of teaching. I Had gone out on a few dates but needed a fresh start. The week went fast and Friday seem to come faster than usual. I was drinking some coffee in the teachers lounge. I finally got to meet the principal who stopped in to say hi. Mindy White was about 5ft 8 in heels with long curly black hair over her shoulders. She had a perfect tan from head to toe. She wore big hoop earrings and a gold bracelet that hung on her wrist. She wore bright red lipstick and every male teacher followed her in the teachers lounge.
Another two weeks went by and all my kids in my class were doing well. A few were late but nothing out of the ordinary. I was only worried about one kid and you may have guest it was Summer Smith. She missed a few days and forgot to turn in last week assignment. I was grading some papers about half hour after last period. I heard the hallways clear out and the janitor sweep the hallway.
I went and locked my door. I pulled the shade up and looked down the hallway. It was almost an hour after classes and the school was empty. I was putting my test papers in my briefcase when I heard a knock at the door. I walked over and open the door. As I stuck my head around the corner of the door I saw Summer Smith standing inches from the door. "Hi, Mr. Kelly. Do you have a minute? I was wondering if I could talk." she said. "Sure come on in. Why don't you sit at your desk." I said. I pointed and closed the door. It locked behind me as I walked behind her towards my big metal desk.
Summer had put her hair in a big pony tail. She painted her lips and finger nails pink. She had a pink Hello Kitty t-shirt pulled over her enormous chest and tiny white mini skirt that barely covered her ass. I sat down and looked over my desk straiting my tie. I looked over and my sport coat was on the stand next to the front door. "Summer what brings you to my class room today? How come you have missed some days and assignments?" I said. "Mr. Kelly I have been having problems at home. My Dad and Mom just got a divorce. He is leaving us and moving in with his secretary. I got my mid month grades in the mail. Your class is the only one I am not doing good in. I was hoping for some extra credit or something. I will do anything not to fail." she said.
"I am not sure there is anything I can do at the moment. You need to buckle down and hand in your home work." I said. "Well I am trying but I don't think I am smart enough. My Dad says I am going to end up like my Mom dancing for tables at the airport. I was hoping there might be a better option for your class. I mean with in reason." she giggled. I frown and looked around the room. Was she coming on to me. Was the door locked. Had anybody seen here. Was I hoping or just over imaging this girl advances." "I am not sure I can help." I said.
"What would it take to get a passing grade. I mean a C or B not an A. No one would believe that. Math is hard Mr. Kelly." She said. I put my hand under my chin and looked puzzled. Summer sat in her chair and crossed her legs. I followed her subtle legs as I stared at her lower body. I saw her pussy was all trim with just a small patch above her cunt. I then saw her move her hand down inside her legs. She scrapped her long pink nails up the inside of her thighs. "Mr. Kelly you looked flushed." she said "What did you say. Umm Umm what are you doing." I said.
Before I could say anything she had moved out of her desk. She moved around my desk with a big smile on her face. She bent over my chair and her hair ran into my face. Then I felt her left hand go down my shirt and to the top of my pants. I looked at her eyes as she felt my hard chest. She stopped and began to kiss my lips. I was french kissing her as she bit my upper lip. I moved my hand around her small hips and felt her firm ass next to my face. She was a little unsteady on her platform shoes and leaned against me for balance.
I unbuckled her mini skirt and it fell to her ankles. She stepped out of it and smiled. I saw her pussy was glistening and I rubbed the top of her mound. She stepped back as I got to my feet. She dropped down on to her knees on top of her mini skirt. She reached up and unbuckled my pants. They fell to the floor along with my underwear. I took of my white cotton button down shirt and tie and through them on my chair. She had already licked of a big glop of pre cum on the end of my hard 9 inches. She then started to suck and run her tongue down the length of my cock. "Mr. Kelly it's so big. I never -- UMMpgh" as I stuffed my wet cock back into her mouth.
I reached down and played with her pony tail as she continued to suck my cock. It had been a few weeks since I had cumm. I had watched my neighbors one night and cam in my hand as I looked out my bedroom window. I looked down as Summer ran her tiny pink nails on my hair balls and she finally deep throated my cock to the base. She smiled as she realized she took in all 9inches into her hot mouth and back of her throat. I smiled as she spat it back out and it made a big suction noise "POP!!!!"
She had her right hand on my hair thigh and her right hand was now playing with her pussy. I saw her pull her hand out and her pussy orgamsed for the first time. I took my hands of her pony tail and place them on her chest. I ran my fingers around her big nipples and fondled her huge chest. She smiled as I twisted her nipples. "Damn Mr. Kelly you now how to handle my big boobs. yeah baby!!!! Damn your cock is hard. Spit -" she said. I pulled her boobs around my cock and began to titty fuck her. She smiled as this may have been the first time her breast were used in this manner.
I picked up the tempo and began to really fuck her breast harder and harder. Her face and lips sucked the top of my penis as it came thought her cleavage. My legs started to get weak and I looked at her little pink lips. She realized what was going to happen and grabbed my dick with her little hands. She began to pump my big cock aiming the end at her mouth. She opened wide pen and he first big spurt flew and it her chin. She adjusted and caught the second and the third and place my cock into her mouth. She slurped and sucked my cock dry.
She was still on the ground when we heard the principal over the loud speaker. "The School will be closing in ten minutes please clear the school." Summer passed me my pants and I handed her her Hello Kitty shirt. "Here Mr. Kelly. This is my address and phone number. My Mom will be home late tomorrow. Maybe you can stop bye and help me after school. I need a passing grade." said Summer.
I smiled as I walked to my car. I ran into Principle White and she told me that Summer Mom would be at the PTA meeting next week and wanted to see me about her daughter grade. Mrs. White asked me to come to school early before everyone else she needed some help in her office. Turns out her husband left last week because she spends to much time at the school.
More to cumm.
part 1
I did not start until 2nd period on Mondays, so I got in early to set up my desk and write my name on the chalk board. The bell rang and the door to my class open. In came each kid and they took a seat alphabetic to there last name. I took a quick roll call around the room. Everyone was present accept for Summer Smith. I waited a few minutes and about 15 minutes into class the door open and in came a cute blonde about 5ft 5. She looked at the chalk board and said "Sorry I am late Mr. Kelly but I was in the principal offices." I looked her from head to toe. She was very hot and had a nice big chest. Long legs and a very tight butt inside her black leather mini skirt. "Take a seat up front right over there." I said.
She walked over and sat in front of my desk. I figured she was late might as well take a peek while she is in class. My wife left me about a year ago for not being home alot because of teaching. I Had gone out on a few dates but needed a fresh start. The week went fast and Friday seem to come faster than usual. I was drinking some coffee in the teachers lounge. I finally got to meet the principal who stopped in to say hi. Mindy White was about 5ft 8 in heels with long curly black hair over her shoulders. She had a perfect tan from head to toe. She wore big hoop earrings and a gold bracelet that hung on her wrist. She wore bright red lipstick and every male teacher followed her in the teachers lounge.
Another two weeks went by and all my kids in my class were doing well. A few were late but nothing out of the ordinary. I was only worried about one kid and you may have guest it was Summer Smith. She missed a few days and forgot to turn in last week assignment. I was grading some papers about half hour after last period. I heard the hallways clear out and the janitor sweep the hallway.
I went and locked my door. I pulled the shade up and looked down the hallway. It was almost an hour after classes and the school was empty. I was putting my test papers in my briefcase when I heard a knock at the door. I walked over and open the door. As I stuck my head around the corner of the door I saw Summer Smith standing inches from the door. "Hi, Mr. Kelly. Do you have a minute? I was wondering if I could talk." she said. "Sure come on in. Why don't you sit at your desk." I said. I pointed and closed the door. It locked behind me as I walked behind her towards my big metal desk.
Summer had put her hair in a big pony tail. She painted her lips and finger nails pink. She had a pink Hello Kitty t-shirt pulled over her enormous chest and tiny white mini skirt that barely covered her ass. I sat down and looked over my desk straiting my tie. I looked over and my sport coat was on the stand next to the front door. "Summer what brings you to my class room today? How come you have missed some days and assignments?" I said. "Mr. Kelly I have been having problems at home. My Dad and Mom just got a divorce. He is leaving us and moving in with his secretary. I got my mid month grades in the mail. Your class is the only one I am not doing good in. I was hoping for some extra credit or something. I will do anything not to fail." she said.
"I am not sure there is anything I can do at the moment. You need to buckle down and hand in your home work." I said. "Well I am trying but I don't think I am smart enough. My Dad says I am going to end up like my Mom dancing for tables at the airport. I was hoping there might be a better option for your class. I mean with in reason." she giggled. I frown and looked around the room. Was she coming on to me. Was the door locked. Had anybody seen here. Was I hoping or just over imaging this girl advances." "I am not sure I can help." I said.
"What would it take to get a passing grade. I mean a C or B not an A. No one would believe that. Math is hard Mr. Kelly." She said. I put my hand under my chin and looked puzzled. Summer sat in her chair and crossed her legs. I followed her subtle legs as I stared at her lower body. I saw her pussy was all trim with just a small patch above her cunt. I then saw her move her hand down inside her legs. She scrapped her long pink nails up the inside of her thighs. "Mr. Kelly you looked flushed." she said "What did you say. Umm Umm what are you doing." I said.
Before I could say anything she had moved out of her desk. She moved around my desk with a big smile on her face. She bent over my chair and her hair ran into my face. Then I felt her left hand go down my shirt and to the top of my pants. I looked at her eyes as she felt my hard chest. She stopped and began to kiss my lips. I was french kissing her as she bit my upper lip. I moved my hand around her small hips and felt her firm ass next to my face. She was a little unsteady on her platform shoes and leaned against me for balance.
I unbuckled her mini skirt and it fell to her ankles. She stepped out of it and smiled. I saw her pussy was glistening and I rubbed the top of her mound. She stepped back as I got to my feet. She dropped down on to her knees on top of her mini skirt. She reached up and unbuckled my pants. They fell to the floor along with my underwear. I took of my white cotton button down shirt and tie and through them on my chair. She had already licked of a big glop of pre cum on the end of my hard 9 inches. She then started to suck and run her tongue down the length of my cock. "Mr. Kelly it's so big. I never -- UMMpgh" as I stuffed my wet cock back into her mouth.
I reached down and played with her pony tail as she continued to suck my cock. It had been a few weeks since I had cumm. I had watched my neighbors one night and cam in my hand as I looked out my bedroom window. I looked down as Summer ran her tiny pink nails on my hair balls and she finally deep throated my cock to the base. She smiled as she realized she took in all 9inches into her hot mouth and back of her throat. I smiled as she spat it back out and it made a big suction noise "POP!!!!"
She had her right hand on my hair thigh and her right hand was now playing with her pussy. I saw her pull her hand out and her pussy orgamsed for the first time. I took my hands of her pony tail and place them on her chest. I ran my fingers around her big nipples and fondled her huge chest. She smiled as I twisted her nipples. "Damn Mr. Kelly you now how to handle my big boobs. yeah baby!!!! Damn your cock is hard. Spit -" she said. I pulled her boobs around my cock and began to titty fuck her. She smiled as this may have been the first time her breast were used in this manner.
I picked up the tempo and began to really fuck her breast harder and harder. Her face and lips sucked the top of my penis as it came thought her cleavage. My legs started to get weak and I looked at her little pink lips. She realized what was going to happen and grabbed my dick with her little hands. She began to pump my big cock aiming the end at her mouth. She opened wide pen and he first big spurt flew and it her chin. She adjusted and caught the second and the third and place my cock into her mouth. She slurped and sucked my cock dry.
She was still on the ground when we heard the principal over the loud speaker. "The School will be closing in ten minutes please clear the school." Summer passed me my pants and I handed her her Hello Kitty shirt. "Here Mr. Kelly. This is my address and phone number. My Mom will be home late tomorrow. Maybe you can stop bye and help me after school. I need a passing grade." said Summer.
I smiled as I walked to my car. I ran into Principle White and she told me that Summer Mom would be at the PTA meeting next week and wanted to see me about her daughter grade. Mrs. White asked me to come to school early before everyone else she needed some help in her office. Turns out her husband left last week because she spends to much time at the school.
More to cumm.
part 1
Thursday, August 21, 2008

I had just woke up and turned on the weather channel. It was going to be hot today in the upper 80's as I rolled out of bed. I took a quick shower and put on my tight jogging shorts and a white cut off shirt to show off my abs. I laced uo my shoes and opend the front door. I lived near the Rose Bowl in Pasadena and loved to run around the outside of the stadium. I just moved here awhile back and decided to pick back up on my jogging routine.
I picked up some water just outside the metal fence that surrounds the Rose Bowl. I was jogging for a few minutes when I decided to sit down and remove a rock in my shoe. I took off my right shoe and removed my sock. It turned out to be a pennie. I must have dropped in my laundry basket. I took a sip and wiped away the sweat from my forehead. It was still a little early when I finally saw a few joggers pass by. They were listening to there Ipods and talking. First 2 girls then 2 set of guys passed by.
I bent over to put my right shoe back on. I heard a women giggle as she ran passed me on the bench. I looked up and watched as she jogged away from me. I jumped off the bench and follwed her. She looked amzaing in a pair of tight shorts and a loose top. I could see her sport bra was holding up a nice pair as she ran in front of me. I was sweating and trying to kep up as she still ran in front of me. I stayed back about 10 feet as I could hear her breathing. Her fine body moved as she ran. I saw her look over her shoulder a couple of times.
She finally stopped up ahead and I had drifted a little back. She was trying to get a drink of water from a fountain. The fountain was not working and I stopped nect to her. She was till trying as I pulled out my bottle of water. "Would you like some. Nice day for a jog!" I said. She smiled and took my water drinking it. Little droplets of water fell down the bottle onto her chin then onto her chest.
I smiled as her top got a little wet. She put down the water and gave me the once over with her sexy eyes. "My name Buck. What's yours?" "Laura!! Thanks for the water. I jog here some times and have never seen you before." "I just moved here from Maryland!" I said. "That's nice. Are you going to follow me or run next to me, now that we know each other a little more.' said Laura. I smiled and ran next to her for some time.
She smiled as she watched my stomach and short shorts move. I saw her drift back and check out my asss as I ran a little harder for her. I dropped back also to check her nice ass, then watched as she tried to show off her delisciuos cleavage. We did this for some time before we took a break near some trees.
She sat dwon first as I held her hand untill she got comfortable on the grass. She looked up into my eyes. My knees got weak as I looked into her eyes. We made some small talk for about 20 minutes before she said. "Do you live around here?" "I'm not sure how far I live away from here." I said. "I noticed your pretty hot and sweaty. Your shirt is really wet. I live, not to far away and I can dry your shirt while you wait." said Laura. I miled as we jogged back to her place.
We got back to her place and we walked through the frontt door. I saw all the pictures off her family and friends around the house. She gave me a quick tour. I loved her red couch in the living room and she got me a cold drink from the kitchen. She sipped it first then handed it to me. I took a small sip and smiled. "My dryer is just inside here. Hmm, that's if you still want it dried." said Laura. I smiled as I pulled it over my head. Laura reachd up and ran her long nails up my back helping me take off my shirt.
I followed her into the laudry room and she placed it in the dryer. I smiled when she bent over to start the dryer. "Well that's that. We have a few minutes Mpph!!!" said Laura. I had leaned in to give her a kiss on her beautiful lips. She retunred the kiss with passion and I pulled her closer to me. I reached around her sexy hips and down her back holding her just abouve her nice ass. She closed her eyes as we kissed more haevily. I could feel her breathing increased as she pushed her chest into my body.
She smelled very sexy as her hair was on my back as she sucked on my neck. I could feel her stand on her tippy toes as she draggged her nails down my back to the top of my ass. After a few minutes we both came up for air. She parted my mouthe with her tongue had let out a big Muwah!!!! Laura grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the laudry room. I followed her as we walked through the kitchen into the living room, she spun me around a pushed me on the red couch.

She stood in front of me and looked down at me. I reached up and she gently began to straddle my lap on the ccuch. We started to kiss more passionatley as I rubbed my hands all over her body. She reached down and rubbed my nipples, giving them a soft squeeze at first then harder. I reached up and massaged her back as she rubbed her ass on my now erect shorts. She looked down at my lap and smiled. She grapped my hands and placed them onto her breast. She removed her top and then her sexy sports bra. They were amazing as I touched and gently rubbed them. Laura smiled and looked nto my eyes as she held onto the back of my head.
She brought my head up to her soft breast and I began to kiss and lick her breast. I payed closed attention to her nipples, Sucking each one with my big lips. I used my tongue and took small bites with my open mouth on her aeroles. I closed my eyes as she squirmed on my lap. I felt her began to rub my chest getting lower to my crotch. She got off my lap and was now sitting next to me as she leaned back over my chest to rub it. I could feel her right hand inch lower down my thigh. She scraped her nails along the inside of my thigh.
I next felt her left hand trace my upper abs. I smiled when I fianlly felt her trace the outline of my erect cock in my shorts. She gently rubbed her middle finger on the tip of my cock. She began to kiss me again as she began to tug on my shorts. I shifted my body to give her better access to my memeber. My shorts finally were pulled down half way down my legs. My shorts were on my shoes as my legs were spread open.
I could feel Laura start to play with my cock. She gripped it with her sexy hands from the base and pulled up to the top. My cock was fully erect after just 2 strokes froom this goddess. She ran her finger nails on my hairless balls as she cupped my big warm balls. I layed my neck back as she stopped kissing me and began to feed my cock into her hot mouth. She took him slowly before she got almost all in her hot mouth. She was licking the tip and squezzing my shaft as she picked up the rythm.
I reachd over with my left hand to fondle her brerast. My other hand was stuck undera pillow next to the arm rest. She reached up and tossed the cushion on to the floor. I placed my hand on her head as she made slurping noise's on my cock. I reached over with my left hand and puled down her shorts. I could smell a sweet musk smell as she help pull them to the top of her shoes. I gently reached over between her legs. I rubbed the outside of her pussy. I rubbed her juicy lips and top of her labia as she opended her legs farther. I put one finger inside her as she pulled off my cock and let out a big "Sighh. O fucking yes!!!!"
I watched as she got off the couch. She bent over pulling her shorts and flung her shoes onto the chair next to the couch. I jumped off taking off my shorts and shoes. She sat facing me with a big smile on her face. I got down on my knees and starred over her pussy mound into her eyes. She leaned back as I ran my hands up her thighs and around her stomach.
She gasped as I stuck my tongue into her pussy. She tasted sweet as her wetness came over her body. I kept playing with her clit and sucking on her juiscy lips. I put in my middle finger than my index finger into her tight pussy. I turned my fingers so the palm of my hand touched the front of her pussy, She closed her eyes and pulled on the back of my neck as I ate her wet pussy. After two more orgasm I gently got on my feet.
She leaned up and took my erect cock back inot her mouth getting him all nice and wet. She leaned back into the couch and moved her pussy over the edge. I crouched down and slapped my dick on her pussy mound. She gasped again as I slowly inserted my cock into her tight pussy, Damn she was tight and felt great as my mmeber slowly slid all the way in. I reachd up to fondle her breast ans he ran her nails down my back as we fucked. First soft than harder and harder. My sweat was beating off my body onto her chest. She gripped my small ass and squezzed as I slammd her body harder.
I opend my eyes and could see her eyes were glased over as she breathed harder and harder. I reached up to the red couch trying to get a grip as I plunged deeper and harder into her. My cock was coming out slow but slamming back inot her hot pussy. I could feel her warm walls coat my shaft. My big purple haead slammed passed her lips to greath depths. I closed my eyes and grunted a few more times as she screamed.

I had to think of different things so I would not come before I flipped her over on to her sotmach. I had to see her ass from behind before I came. I stood up and she got on her knees and looked over her left shoulder like she had at the Rose Bowl. I almost came right there but I slapped her ass. She pushed her face into the couch and I got right behind her. I slowly slid my dick inside her. Now at a diffrent angle she screamed and held onto the top of the couch. I rammed my cock in to her as I held onto her hips as her body shook from another orgasm. I could not last any more and pulled out as she looked over her shoulder. I aim my cock at her ass and big white spurts off cum blasted onto her ass. My cock head opened up and she shook her ass as it hit all of her juicy ass,

Laura reachd back and scoped off some off my sperm. I closed my eyes and fell backwards onto the floor. I was laying there and looked up as Laura was standing over me. Her body was dripping of sweat and her vagina was still wet as her thighs were all glistening. She reached back with her fingers to scoop some more off her butt.
"Are you ok?? That's good!!" As I shook my head "yes!!" "I hope you got more where that came from Young Buck. I got the day off and you ass is mine!!! Follow me to my bedroom I am going to give you a spponge bath, I'm a nurse honey!!!
"Nurse Lala if your nasty!!!!"

Love Buck
Hope you liked
I konw I did.
I'll be back for more shirt tomorrow. (LOL)
Monday, August 4, 2008
Grocery Shopping

I was just getting my shopping cart when I spotted you heading to the
produce section. You were eating some grapes and licking you fingers
as you pushed your shopping cart. You were wearing big gold hoop
earrings and had on a white top that barely covered your big breast.
You nipple was poking through the fabric as you ass shook in your
tight blue jeans. Your jeans were probably 2 size two small but they
hung low on your hips and just covered the top of you big thick ass.
You measured about 42 FF and 40 inch hips and a 38 inch big ol booty.
Your jeans stretched down you nice big thighs and stopped about 2
inches from your ankles just below your calves. I could make out
your tattoo and your finger nails matched your toe nails. I loved
the way you feet were accented in the 4inch wooden platform pumps. I
almost crashed into a display of Corn as you picked up a melon and
were feeling around the edges. I almost dropped a load in my pants
when you felt up a huge cucumber and rubbed it on your chest. I
watched as you picked up different fruits and vegetables and your
body shaked as you rubbed them in your hands.
I watched as you went down each aisle in the grocery store. First
only men were watching as you passed them but a few ladies in the
meat section stopped and starred when you smiled at the butcher. I
then followed you over to the frozen food section. You stuck your
body inside to get out some whipped topping and then some ice cream.
Your nipples were now erect under your white shirt. I smiled as I
followed you next to the Mexican section of the store and you bent
over picking out different items from the bottom shelf.
I was breathing heavy and just throwing in items randomly as I
followed your ass around the store. You finally went to the front
and check out. You made the cashier blush and the man bagging your
grocery had to hide is erection behind the paper bags. I pushed my
cart to the side and followed you out to the parking lot.
I stayed behind trying to think what to do next. I watched as you
put everything in your trunk of your car. I moved around the front
of the car. You then opened your door turned around and pushed your
cart back to the front of the store. I waited a few seconds and
slipped into the back seat behind the driver side. The car moved
slightly as you got in and you shut your door. You turned on the a/c
and then turned on some music. I heard the rear view mirror move as
you backed up and then put the car into drive.
I peeked up over the front seat and you were driving the car. You
smiled as you saw me look over your body in the mirror. I looked as
you were running your nails along your gear shaft of the car smiling
at me. You gripped the steering wheel with your left hand. I could
smell your sweet perfume and noticed your breathing had increased. I
whispered I love your body in your ear causing your face to blush. I
started to kiss your neck and gently bite your ear lopes causing you
to scream.

I started to massage you neck with my left hand. I brought my right
hand around your front brushing up against your erect nipples. Your
lower body squirmed on the leather seats. I smiled as you closed
your eyes and winked at me again. I slowly unbutton your white top
and freed you breast as they cascaded down your body stopping on your
seat belt. I tweaked and fondled your breast as you bit your upper
lip. You mouthed "Yes" as both my hands fondled your "Chi Chi's".
You leaned forward so your shirt fell on the seat.
I watched as you stopped the car at the next light and yanked down
your tight jeans onto the floor boards. I was excited when I saw
your thongs was laying onto top of your jeans. I could smell the
musk scent as I started to finger your pussy. You came quickly the
first time and then about 15 minutes later on my three fingers. You
followed a van around a hotel into the back lot.

The place was empty just your car behind two big green dumpsters. You
quickly got out the car naked. You pushed the seat forward and
climbed into the back seat. You climbed on my big cock and I held on
to your big thick ass. Got damn your pussy is so tight and you feel
so good on my shaft. My big balls slapped under your pussy as you
rammed your hot pussy on my cock. Before you could come again I
started to unload in your pussy. Then you orgasmed and fell onto my
chest. Your hair was in my face and I pulled out my finger from your
ass hole. I could feel your wetness drip down onto my lap.
You drove home and I helped with putting away the food. I walked over
and you gave me a big kiss and a hug. I got back to my car later and
checked my pockets. You had slipped me a grocery list for next week
and directions to a different store farther from your house.

Balcony Fuck

I had just moved into my new Condo when I was siting on my balcony on
the 20th floor over looking lake Michigan. I could hear the vacuum
cleaner noise coming from the condo to my right. They had left the
sliding glass door open.
I leaned back in my chair and took a peek into the living room of my
neighbors. They had some box's on the floor and a few articles of
clothing laying around on some chairs near the window. I heard the
vacuum cleaner get closer when I spotted the women who was making so
much noise. She was a hot thick blonde women who wore a black two
piece bathing suit that barely contained her big ass and breast.
She measured about 46EE and her ass was about 40.
My mouth dropped as she was vacuuming in her big wooden platform shoes
that caused her body to shake as she strutted around her living room.
I froze for a minute as she got close to the open door to the
balcony. I got off my chair and climbed over the railing separating
our condos on the 20th floor. I was now standing inches from the open
door as she continued to strutt around her living room. A few
minutes later she stopped the vacuum and went to her kitchen sink.
She filled a container full of water and headed back toward her
I looked around to hide but it was too late. She walked passed me
and smiled. She was pouring the water into some plants on the
balcony near the railing I just climbed over. She smiled again as
she looked over her shoulder and stared into my eyes. Her big thick
ass was bent over and her tits hung down to her waist.
I walked over to her and put my hand on her ass. She did not move
but kept pouring water on to her plant. I was getting very hard and
when she did not protest when I moved her bathing suit bottom and
touched her pussy mound, I freed my big cock from my Dockers.
I found her wet opening and shoved my cock all the way into her tight
hole. She had straighten up and was holding the metal railing as I
fucked her pussy faster and faster. She tensed up and came on my
cock making me fall out her pussy and slap the inside of her meaty
thighs. I quickly put it back and continues to fuck this thick
Latina with my big hairy balls slapping her ass. I gripped her big
hips and thrusted one than two times before I pulled out. She
quickly got on her knees and I blasted thick white streams on her
face. She licked her fingers and scoped up my cumm into her hot
I watched as she got up off her knees and headed back inside her
Condo. I pulled up my pants and climbed over to my balcony. About
two hours later when I was taking a shower I heard a vacuum cleaner
inside my Condo. A moment later the curtains to my shower open and
in came the blonde from next door. She got the Super to open my
Condo and had cleaned my living room. She was a little sweaty from
cleaning and wanted to take a shower before going home. My dick was
getting hard as she soaped her big ass.
Porta Potty Fuck
I had just drank 2 bottles of water running through the park. It was
hot near the lake and I now had to use the bathroom very badly. I
had to really take a piss. I scanned the park and saw some portable
toilets near some trees at the edge of the park. It was still early
and I was hoping they had not been used just yet.
There were five large blue porta potties that I open the door and
they were very small inside. There was just the toilet and no where
to wash your hands. All of them did not have toilet paper so I went
down around the last porta potty and about 40 feet back was a large
green port john with white vents on the top and rear of the large
plastic container. I ran quickly and open the door. The handle was
broken and it did not allow me to lock the door as it swung shut
behind me.
I quickly looked around and saw there was a sink to wash my hands.
One large toilet with handles on either side of the lid. There was a
stand up urinal about 2 feet from the large sit down toilet. I
noticed there was plenty of toilet paper and it actual smelled very
nice inside. I stood in front of the urinal. I lifted up my sweat
soaked t-shirt and pulled down my black lyrca running shorts and
freed my half erect cock. I reached down and played with my hairless
balls and pointed my cock into the urinal. I looked down and a warm
jet of liquid was coming out.
I had my back to the door and was still peeing when I heard the door
spring open quickly and slammed behind me. I turned just in time to
see a women pull down her mini skirt and squat on the toilet. She
had long black hair that accented her beautiful smile and dark red
lips. She had long black 4 inch heels on her tiny feet. There were
two large shopping bags from a plus size store down the street from
the park. Her gold bracelets on her right hand scrapped along with
her matching finger nails on the metal handles next to her big ass.
I could smell a strong musk smell in the porta potty as she held her
eyes close and her wetness hit the toilet bottom. I could feel my
dick getting bigger in my hand as I watched this goddess sitting with
in arm length of were I was peeing. I looked up into the plastic
ceiling and moved my hand off my erect cock. A few seconds later I
felt a small hand wrap her fingers around my big cock. I looked down
and she was jacking the final drops into the urinal. I smiled and
turned to my right to give her better access.
I reached down behind her back and pulled up her tight black t-shirt
freeing her big mocha breast. She was easily a size 44 DDD.
The warm air hit her nipples causing
her to grimace and her nipples became full erect. I spun each one
in my two fingers as she lowered her head and started to suck my big
cock. She swirled her tongue around my head making huge slurping
noises as she cuffed my balls. I continued to fuck her face and
fondle her juicy juggs.
I took two steps back as she got off the toilet and we both took off
our clothes quickly. I put the sit down and sat high on the toilet.
She spat on my cock and turned around and mounted my cock. Her warm
butt cheeks fell on my two hands on the side of her body. She
reached back and held on to the metal handles as she rode my cock.
Her hair whipped in my face as I reached around and fondled her
breast. I slapped them together causing her to orgasm hard. She
came all over my cock and dripped down my balls into the toilet.
She got off and I laid her on her back on top of the toilet. I
started to lick her pussy using two fingers than three. I slapped my
big cock on her entrance and it easily slipped in again. She cried
out again with another orgasm as I reached up and graped the handles
to fuck her harder. For the next 20 minutes I slammed her pussy
harder and harder as she screamed. I finally could not take
anymore. My knees were shaking. I dismounted her aimed my cock at
her face. She opened wide as I shot one hot creamy white load on her
face and chin. She licked all my cumm off her face and tits.
I started to wash my hands as I looked over at her. She was still
naked dripping of sweat, cunt juice and my semen. I shook off my
hands and picked up my clothes. "Here Baby, this is my cell number.
Sorry I busted in so quickly without knocking. I drank alot of water
in the dressing room trying on so many bras & panties. My name Tonya
and I want you to have my thong. As I picked it up off the floor she
returned to suck my cock getting me hard again. I left twenty
minutes later after fucking her in the ass on the floor of the porta
I opened the door to walk out. I walked out passed the first guy
then the next and finally ten construction guys were lined up
outside the porta potty. It seems they had come to replace the
broken door and heard what was going inside. I turned back and saw
the porta potty was rocking and I could here Tonya scream with pleasure.
hot near the lake and I now had to use the bathroom very badly. I
had to really take a piss. I scanned the park and saw some portable
toilets near some trees at the edge of the park. It was still early
and I was hoping they had not been used just yet.
There were five large blue porta potties that I open the door and
they were very small inside. There was just the toilet and no where
to wash your hands. All of them did not have toilet paper so I went
down around the last porta potty and about 40 feet back was a large
green port john with white vents on the top and rear of the large
plastic container. I ran quickly and open the door. The handle was
broken and it did not allow me to lock the door as it swung shut
behind me.
I quickly looked around and saw there was a sink to wash my hands.
One large toilet with handles on either side of the lid. There was a
stand up urinal about 2 feet from the large sit down toilet. I
noticed there was plenty of toilet paper and it actual smelled very
nice inside. I stood in front of the urinal. I lifted up my sweat
soaked t-shirt and pulled down my black lyrca running shorts and
freed my half erect cock. I reached down and played with my hairless
balls and pointed my cock into the urinal. I looked down and a warm
jet of liquid was coming out.
I had my back to the door and was still peeing when I heard the door
spring open quickly and slammed behind me. I turned just in time to
see a women pull down her mini skirt and squat on the toilet. She
had long black hair that accented her beautiful smile and dark red
lips. She had long black 4 inch heels on her tiny feet. There were
two large shopping bags from a plus size store down the street from
the park. Her gold bracelets on her right hand scrapped along with
her matching finger nails on the metal handles next to her big ass.
I could smell a strong musk smell in the porta potty as she held her
eyes close and her wetness hit the toilet bottom. I could feel my
dick getting bigger in my hand as I watched this goddess sitting with
in arm length of were I was peeing. I looked up into the plastic
ceiling and moved my hand off my erect cock. A few seconds later I
felt a small hand wrap her fingers around my big cock. I looked down
and she was jacking the final drops into the urinal. I smiled and
turned to my right to give her better access.
I reached down behind her back and pulled up her tight black t-shirt
freeing her big mocha breast. She was easily a size 44 DDD.
The warm air hit her nipples causing
her to grimace and her nipples became full erect. I spun each one
in my two fingers as she lowered her head and started to suck my big
cock. She swirled her tongue around my head making huge slurping
noises as she cuffed my balls. I continued to fuck her face and
fondle her juicy juggs.
I took two steps back as she got off the toilet and we both took off
our clothes quickly. I put the sit down and sat high on the toilet.
She spat on my cock and turned around and mounted my cock. Her warm
butt cheeks fell on my two hands on the side of her body. She
reached back and held on to the metal handles as she rode my cock.
Her hair whipped in my face as I reached around and fondled her
breast. I slapped them together causing her to orgasm hard. She
came all over my cock and dripped down my balls into the toilet.
She got off and I laid her on her back on top of the toilet. I
started to lick her pussy using two fingers than three. I slapped my
big cock on her entrance and it easily slipped in again. She cried
out again with another orgasm as I reached up and graped the handles
to fuck her harder. For the next 20 minutes I slammed her pussy
harder and harder as she screamed. I finally could not take
anymore. My knees were shaking. I dismounted her aimed my cock at
her face. She opened wide as I shot one hot creamy white load on her
face and chin. She licked all my cumm off her face and tits.
I started to wash my hands as I looked over at her. She was still
naked dripping of sweat, cunt juice and my semen. I shook off my
hands and picked up my clothes. "Here Baby, this is my cell number.
Sorry I busted in so quickly without knocking. I drank alot of water
in the dressing room trying on so many bras & panties. My name Tonya
and I want you to have my thong. As I picked it up off the floor she
returned to suck my cock getting me hard again. I left twenty
minutes later after fucking her in the ass on the floor of the porta
I opened the door to walk out. I walked out passed the first guy
then the next and finally ten construction guys were lined up
outside the porta potty. It seems they had come to replace the
broken door and heard what was going inside. I turned back and saw
the porta potty was rocking and I could here Tonya scream with pleasure.
Monday, June 2, 2008
Friday, May 30, 2008
Turned My Mom and Aunt into Porn Stars
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