I was getting a head ache and my left hand was hurting. I had been on a ladder for over 4 hours and I was listening to my Aunt Nora complain about something. My parents volunteered me to help my Mom sister and she was starting to get on my nerves. She would nag or complain as soon as she got on the phone to the time she hung up. She was always talking about her sex life and her ex-husband who could not get up. She was frustrated and she had not been laid in a whole years since there divorce. I felt for her but it wasn't like the girls were knocking down my door to be with me either.

I had just got done painting my Aunt spare bedroom when she came in and was still on the phone barking out orders. The only things that made the time go faster was my Aunt was suppose to pay me today. I was getting off early to go out with my friends. I walked behind her down the staircase to the first floor and when she went to the kitchen I grabbed my coat and waited by the front door. My Aunt came to the door and said "Beth let me call you back. Yeah I have to go, my nephew thinks he is done for the day. I thought you were gong to work late and help me get the master bedroom painted before you left." my Aunt said. "I thought because it was getting dark and I wanted to go out tonight you would understand. Also you were going to pay me for the last two weeks." I said. long pause!!!!

"Oh' about getting paid. I left my check book in my car at work. I need you to go back upstairs and finish my bedroom before you can leave. I don't care if it takes you all night mister!!" she said. I knew she had not been to work for a month and she only drove one car and it was in the garage next to the house. I parked it and unloaded her grocery this afternoon before starting to paint her spare bedroom.
I grabbed the ladder and headed to the master bedroom. About an hour later I heard the garage go up and saw my Aunt leave in her black sports car. I went down stairs grabbed a few beers in the fridge and headed back upstairs to finish painting. It was almost 1am when I finally got finished. It looked pretty good and I went downstairs and crashed on the big leather couch in the living room.
It was 7am when my cell phone was going off. "Hello!" I said. "Did you get finished painting last night or did you go home right after me you big baby?" my Aunt said. "No I finished and I am heading back in an hour to start a second coat of paint." I said. "Here's a game plan genius, get off my couch and go start now. I will stop and get you some coffee and a donut, if you start right away." she said. She hung up and I rolled off the couch and headed for the upstairs bathroom. I flipped up the seat and was taking a piss for about 3 minutes.
My head was hurting from the beers and not getting any sleep and I opened my Aunt medicine cabinet in the bathroom above the white porcelain sink. I got four aspirins and swallow them without water. I was about to close the medicine cabinet door when I decided to look around and see what other drugs where in my Aunt medicine cabinet. She had some cream for some wrinkles and night cream, she is almost 35 years old. She had some nail files and clippers and some toothpaste. A tube of Vagisil for her vagina and some lubricant for another place. She had some sleeping pills and some vitamins and diet pills. I closed the cabinet and went back into the master bedroom.
There was a dresser on the far end next to her bed and a small night stand that matched her hope chest at the foot of the bed. I had covered her bed and the rest of the things in the room the day before. I picked up the sheet on her night stand I heard some pills fall off onto the floor. I picked them up and read the labels. She had a prescription for a stronger sleeping pills and some pills for depression. Both of the medication were very strong and had warning labels that if taken could cause different side effects. A deep sleep or a state of unconscious leaving the person with out feeling. I opened the bottles and took a few pills. I had trouble sleeping occasionally and thought it may be good for a back up plan just in case of a rough night.
I heard the garage door open and then the front door. I had walked down the spiral staircase to the first floor and opened the door for my Aunt. "Hello little guy, finished painting yet? Here hold my coffee and donut. Sorry yours fell out my car when I pulled away from the drive thru window." she said. I looked on the side of the bag for the donut and she had only ordered one coffee and one donut. It was 8am and she was already lying to me. She placed her coffee on the table next to the door.

She pointed upstairs and I followed her. "This is it, you only got one coat of red paint on the walls. What am I paying you for. A monkey could do a better job!!!" she yelled. I put my hands under my arm pits and gave her a dirty look. "OK, new plan!! Start again and this time do a better job!! Maybe if your lucky I might let you only work all day Saturday and eight hours on Sunday." she said. "I was suppose to go to a football game on Sunday. I told you about two weeks ago and you said OK." I said. "That was before this piss poor painting big boy, now shut up and go downstairs and get my coffee. It's on the table next to the front door." she said.
Steam was coming out of my ears and I turned and headed back downs stairs to get her coffee. I picked up her coffee and could smell the aroma. I was mad and many thoughts were racing through my mind. I was about ready to walk back upstairs when I heard my Aunt talking with my mother. "Your son is doing a bad job of painting. He is going to stay for the next couple of days until it finished." click she hung up with my mother.

I moved one more step and she was back on the phone with her best friend Beth. Beth was married to the boss of my Mom. They had been married for about a year. He was almost 65 and looked like he might die any day. Beth was a trophy wife of this old dude and she was very hot. She had long blonde hair and a smoking hot little body. She measures about 38DD (Breast) 20 (Waist) 22 (Ass). She was light skinned and had perfect little feet and legs. She was the polar opposite of my Aunt who was about 50FF (Breast) 30 (Waist) 36 (Ass). My aunt had a tan and brunette hair. She had long legs and ever part of her body had curves.

I stood in the door way and watch my Aunt pace in her bedroom. My Aunt was still talking and telling Beth about her date she had last night. The guy turned out did not like her and brought her home before 9pm last night. She said she had no plans for the weekend and asked Beth if she would come and visit her on Saturday. "You can stop by after 3pm when hopefully my dumb ass nephew will have finished painting my bedroom and you can take a look. I turned in my keys to my condo this morning and have to start staying here. I hope it will be quite and my nephew hurries his ass up and finish at least one job." my Aunt said.
I am not sure what happen next but I reached into my pocket and took out the pills. I played with them in my hands and ran them across the rim of her coffee mug. Three of the pills fell into her coffee and I swirled the cup around in my hand. I looked up and my Aunt motion for me to give her the coffee. She hung up her cell phone and said, "While were young. Give me the coffee and let's get finished painting dummy!!" I walked over handed her the coffee and grabbed my paint brush and started to mix the paint.
"CRASH!!!!!" There was a big loud noise just outside the master bedroom down the hall on the second floor. I got off my knee and walked out the door to investigate. "Aunt Nora! Hello!! Anybody there!!! I walked down the hall and notice the spare bedroom door was open and my Aunt was laying face first on the white carpet. Holly cow she was knocked out. I checked and she was still breathing and could move but she was not responsive when I moved her. I kept yelling at her and slapped her face but nothing. I picked her up and brought her downstairs and put her on the couch. I went and shut all the blinds on the windows and I shut off her phone so it would go to voice mail. I locked the front door and back and checked her day planner. She was not expecting anyone and had no appointments until next month. I went back upstairs and clean up the coffee on the carpet. I put her hand bag on the spare bedroom bed.

I went down the hall and started to go trough her closet to look for anything that would help me prolong her from getting mad at me for knocking her out. It was the first time in weeks I finally felt I was in control and it was very quite in the house with out her big mouth. I could not find much, so I took some black pantie hose and a few thongs and three big push up bras. I also got some black garters and some make up with bright red lip stick and blue massacre. I went though her dresser and found some kinky handcuffs with leopard print on them. I found some 6inch black stilettos with a gold stems on the heel. I finally decide if I couldn't get her to stop yelling at me and get some peace and quite, I would dress her and humiliate her.

I went back downstairs. Her body had fell over on the couch and her face was in the seat cushion. I propped her back up and slowly removed her button down blouse. I then took off her shoes and pulled down her jeans and placed them on the floor in nice neat pile. She was not wearing panties and her big hairy black bush was looking right at me as I took of her socks. I reached behind her back and struggled with taking off her bra. It took a few minutes and I had to really squeeze hard to unloosen her big white bra.

Once free her huge breast fell onto her lap. Both her nipples were the size of my thumb and very hard. She had two large aeroles the size of a small tea plate. Her stomach was sum what hard and her thighs and legs were more attractive now that she was naked and sitting on the couch. I looked over her shoulders and saw her big ass was expanding as she sat on the cushions. I reached down and rubbed her nipples and slid my hand between her large juggs. I tried to lift each breast with one hand but had problems. I instead pushed her breast together touching each nipple.

I stepped back and went to my bag next to the couch and got out my camera. I took some digital pictures and posed her in different sex acts before I put my camera back in my bag. I put on her black hose up her legs and over her shapely thighs. I tied them up with her matching garters. I then pulled up her black thong and put on her black 6 inch Stilettos on her feet. I put on her huge black push up bra and her tits looked like they were going to come out the front of her bra. Her bra was about two sizes to small and looked like her tits were oozing out the side and top. I then applied her makeup and lip stick and comb her hair and fixed her two big gold hoop earrings.

She was still breathing and her eyes were still closed. I placed her hands behind her back and put on the kinky hand cuffs. I tied her feet with some black hose. Making the knot nice and tight. I put some pillows from the couch on the carpet and then I placed my Aunt on her stomach on the pillows. Her ass was high in the air and then I went into the kitchen. I poured my self some OJ and mixed it with some vodka. I put the drink on the coffee table next to my Aunt and then I had two glasses of the same drink before I heard her moan and open her eyes.
"Hello!! What happen to me? Where am I? Who's there!!" My Aunt said. I sat on the couch and let her wiggle around on the floor. "I can hear you breathing mister, come in front of me." she said. I laughed and said, "keep it down Queen, looks like your not so high and mighty after all. What are you going to do!" She paused and then said, "honey please come here. Untie me at once. I will be better, just wait and see. I'm sorry things just got of hand with the new house and job. I did not mean to be so nasty towards you." "Hmm, I don't know. Every time you say your going to pay me or your going to get me something, you never do. All you do is complain and whine about everything. Well boo hoo Aunt." I said. She tossed her hair from side to side and struggled with the handcuffs.
"You got to let me go, you will get in big trouble. My friends and our family will come looking for me. I bet they are out there looking right now." she said. I laughed again and said "you have been out for two hours and your phone has not wrong. People are happy you are not bugging them. I checked your day planner and you have no one schedule for weeks. So just lay there and shut up!!!!" My Aunt moved her legs and started to scream. I quickly got off the couch and grabbed a pair of underwear from my bag and placed them in my Aunt mouth. "Mpph Mpph!!"said my Aunt. I looked down and her eyes were staring back at me and she was gagging on my underwear. I reached down and pulled them out.
"You put your dirty underwear in my mouth. Yuck, they smell of sweat and paint you big pervert. How can I get out of this? she said. "Don't make any noise or this is going back in your big mouth. Don't try to escape and do everything I tell you and maybe I will let you go." I said. "No I won't, your in big trouble mister!!!" she said. "Hmm, well let's see what I can do to you that will illustrate my point of being in control." I said.
I reached down and pulled my Aunt onto her feet. She looked at me and stared up into my eyes. "What are you going to do to me? Stop! Stop! Stop it!!" she said. I told you to be quite!!! One more outburst and you will loose an article of clothing, you wiggle around again and you will loose another article of clothing. Got it!!" I said. I felt her hands move and she tried to bend over and get out of my grip on her waist. I reached down and grabbed her bra strap and he five big hook keeping her huge bra on. My Aunt eyes got big and she mumbled "NO!" but I did not care. I yanked down her big 50FF bra cups and her big boobs cascaded down onto her stomach. Her big fat nipples were erect and she looked very hot standing in her living room partially naked. "How's that!" I said.
She wiggled again in my right hand and I reached over and pulled down her thong over her big ass and down her big thighs until it sat between her ankles just above the hose tieing her feet together. "How about now, are you getting any of this!!" I said. My Aunt was biting her upper lip and gave me a dirty look. She was not moving and she was basically standing still. "Good, I finally got your attention. Where is my money you owe me for my painting and helping around the house." I said. She paused, "I left it at work." she said. "Hmm, what if I tell you I know you have not been at work for a couple of weeks. What if I said you have the money but don't want to pay me. How about that? Also you need to ask permission before you can speak or there will a penalty!!" I said.
"Penalty, what penalty?" she said. I reached down with my right hand and started to twist her left nipple causing her to move and try to wiggle out of my grip. "Stop! Stop!! Ok! Ok! I got it. Enough!!!" she said. I reached around with my left hand and twisted her other nipples causing the same response. I reached down and placed my underwear back in her mouth. "Mpph! Mpph!! Nepheeew!!!" she said. I moved her over to the big black leather ottoman next to the couch and I sat down. I pulled her down and she fell over my knee. I moved my right knee until her big juggs fell over and were hanging down almost to the floor. She spit out my underwear on the floor and said nothing, just moaned.
I laughed and my Aunt big ass wiggled. I reached down with my left hand and continued twisting her big nipples. I brought my right hand back and started to smack her big ass. After about ten minutes her big ass was bright red. I looked down and her eyes where tearing up and her massacre was running. Her red lips were quivering and her boobs swayed under my fingers. I tugged on her big breast and continues to spank her ass for another 5 minutes. I started to scratch her big ass with my finger nails causing her ass to get more red. She had finally stopped wiggling and I could smell a new aroma in the air. I looked down again and she had her eyes closed. I reached down with my right middle finger and rubbed the inside of her thighs and down the crack of her ass.
"I think the Queen is starting to like being spanked and played with. Does she? Come on tell me the truth." I said. My Aunt shook her head up and down meaning "yes" and she opened her eyes and stared at me with lust in her expression. I reached down with my hand and squeezed her mouth. I picked her up and placed her on her back on the Ottoman. Her head fell on the couch and her legs fell over the Ottoman and touched the carpet. I got down on one knee and looked over her big hairy bush and saw her eyes close.
I started to rub her feet inside her heels and slowly make my way up her shapely legs. I massaged her thighs and she parted them for me to get better access. I kissed her feet and licked her Stilettos and she giggled. I reached up with my hands and tugged on her nipples and she moaned for the first time. I crawled on my knees to her right side and started to fondle her big breast. "Yes! Yes!! Yes!!" my Aunt said. I smiled and brought my head down to her big nipples and started to suck them. I swirled them around on my mouth and nippled on them to her delight. "O God yes! Where have you been!! I need this!!" said my Aunt. I reached down and twisted her nipple until she screamed and said, "Can I say something, please!" she said. "Yes, Queen tell me what is so important that you stopped me from twisting your nipples." I said.
"Fuck me! Fuck me!! Please fuck me, it's been so long. I need you to fuck your poor Aunt. Use me as your sex slave!!!!" she said. I got up and took off my shorts and shirt and through them on the floor. I slowly took off my underwear and placed them in my Aunt mouth. She sucked them and I could see the sweat drip in her mouth. My big 9 1/2 cock was now fully erect and I slowly tugged on my dick to make it harder. My Aunt eyes grew big and her mouth fell open. My Aunt mumbled something and I spit on my hand and wiped the length of my cock.
I got down on my knees and parted her legs on the Ottoman. She looked down and saw my cock staring back at her. I slapped her big thighs with my cock and placed my middle finger in her hairy bush. I grunted and rammed my big cock into her tight pussy. I big suction noise followed by her scream let me know I was in. Her pussy was wet and she had an orgasm after my third up and down motion in her pussy. She was smiling and her head was back and her eyes were closed. I pulled out my underwear from her mouth and she gasped for air as I fucked her. I reached up with her big juggs and forced them into her mouth. She was sucking her nipples as I fucked faster and faster. I was all the way in and my big balls were slapping just above her ass hole. She moaned and grunted and I picked up the pace. She orgasm twice more before I pulled out and shot a big load on her stomach and just under her huge breast. I stumbled back and fell on the floor.
My Aunt looked down and I scooped up my jizz and placed it on her breast and lips. She sucked my fingers and clean herself off with her tongue. She rolled her head to the side and started to suck my cock. She deep throated my cock and licked my balls when she got close. I started to tug on her nipples and smash her brest together causing a great big noise as she sucked greedly on my cock. After 20 minutes of a great blow job I deposited another huge load in her mouth.
I picked her off the Ottoman and took her upstairs to the master bathroom and washed her off. We took a long shower together and bath and she ate my ass hole for the first time. I rubbed my cock all over body and smacked her ass when she tried to talk with out asking. She was still in handcuffs but I had taken all the hose off her feet, so she could walk. I fucked her on the table next to the bed. I fucked her on the kitchen and dining room tables and in the laundry room on the dryer.
It was almost 10am when I woke up. I felt a big nipple on my chin and my Aunt left breast resting on my stomach. I looked down under the sheets and her body was covered in dry semen. I was starting to get hard agin but I wanted to wait until after I ate and took a shower before I started to humilate and fuck my Aunt. I gently moved my Aunt breast over and sat up in bed. I stroked my cock untill it was hard then got up and walked around to my Aunt side of the bed. Her right breast was hanging over the side and I placed my cock head on her lips. She started to smile and I looked down and her tongue was licking off my cock. I grabbed her head and pulled her out of bed. I took off her handcuffs and grabbed her hair and I pushed her into the bathroom.
"Grab my cock and aim it at the toliet you whore." I said. She did what I told her, my dick spasmed in her hand and she liked watching my cock head open and warm pee fly out into the toilet. "Lick him clean when he is done whore!!" I said. She followed my instrustion and then washed me from head to toe in the bath tub. I returned the favor and washed every inch of her body paying close attnetion to her pussy. "Dry me off with your tongue and then go down stairs start my laundry and make me somthing to eat. Don't get dirty or you will be in trouble slut!! Now Go." I said. She licked me clean and went downstairs.
I had locked the doors and windows in the house. I disconnected her phone. I was not worried she would escape. I put on a pair of her silk panites and let my big hairy balls and cock ride around naked in them. I put on a silk bath robe of her ex husband that was small but I did not care. I checked her cell phone and notice she had two calls from Beth. I tunred the phone on and a few seconds later it rang. I answered it and Beth her best friend was on the phone. "Hello!" I said. "Hey, is your Aunt there. I have been trying to get ahold of her. I am still coming over after 3pm today and want to know if I should bring anything." Beth said. "Oh yeah. She asked me if you could bring some vodka, couple bottles of wine and some beer. A few snacks and some steaks. She has been busy with the house. She also needs a new razor and shaving cream." I said. "Ok! Tell her I got a new yellow outfit I am going to wear and I may have a guy she might like to meet." Beth said. "Also she wants to remind you not to tell anyone where your going, she doesn't want any calls when you are over. Thanks!!" I said.
I walked into the kitchen and heard the washer in the laundry room. I saw my Aunt was making me some bacon and eggs. I had a beer on the table and she was just handing me a napkin. I sat down and she watch me eat and put my clothes in the dryer. I had her get on the kitchen table and I ate her big pussy for twenty minutes and 3 orgams later before I let her go upstairs to take a shower again.
I open the blinds on the ground floor and unlocked the front door and got the mail. I went back upstairs and watched her get out of the shower. "I want you to put some make up on and do your hair real nice and I will lay out your clothes for today." I said. I went into her closet and pulled out a black thong and a pink corset and a huge black mesh bra. I placed a big pair of 6 inch pink high heels next to the bed. I found a massage table in the back of her closet and put that in the middle of her bedroom. It was about 6 ft long and narrow with white silk border. I sat on the bed and watched my Aunt put everything on. She then got up and walked over in front of me. "Turn around and give me your hands." I said.
I walked her over to the massage table. "Lie on you back and put your head there and you feet straight. I then reached in my bathrobe and took out a black silk scarf and put it over her eyes so she could not see. I grabbed her hands and got the rope off the floor under the masage table. I tied her hands to the legs of the table and her ankles to the legs of the table. I reached into my robe and took out another silk scarf and placed into her mouth. My Aunt moaned and I said, "don't say a word. I will be right back. Don't move until I tell you whore!!"
I took off the robe and left her undwear over my big dick. It felt great and was holding my cock just perfect. I put on some shorts and a shirt and looked at the clock on the wall, it was almost 3pm.

"Ding Dong!!" The door bell wrang and I walked over to the front door and looked out the peep hole. It was Beth and she had a few bags in her hands. She was wearing a yellow top with a black skirt and her hair was done up. She looked very hot and I opened the door and offered to help with the grocery. "Thanks, where your Aunt!" Beth said. "She is a little tied up at the moment" I said. "Oh that sounds fun, giggle, giggle" said Beth. She smiled and I grabbed the grocery bags. We both walked down the hall into the kitchen and Beth started to put away the groceries. I took out the vodka and wine and put a few beers in the fridge. "Wow that was some work out, got a cork screw?" said Beth. "Yes, there one here in the drawer." I said.

I started to open the wine and Beth got three glasses down fron the cabinet. She poured herself a glass and passed the bottle to me. I smiled and watch her drink her first glass of wine. We made small talk and she drank two more glasses of wine, before you looked at her watch. "When is your Aunt going to join us for a drink? How come your not drinking? Drink up mister!" Beth said. "I told you she is tied up at the moment. I think she is in her room upstairs waiting for you. I finished a glass and switched to a mix drink while you went to the bathroom a few minutes ago." I said. We both laughed and Beth put her drink on the kitchen counter and fixed her red lipstick and big blonde hair. "Wow, I think I am getting a buzz from this wine. My husband left for a business trip for two weeks in Japan and I had a drink on the way over in the car. I am going to go upstairs and find your Aunt and see what she is up to." Beth said.
I picked up Beth drink in my right hand and slowly followed her trying not to look too obviuos as I was stareing at her fine ass and tits as she strutted up the stairs. Beth walked down the hall to the spare bedroom and saw my Aunt purse and a stain on the carpet. She turned around and came back passed the stairs to my Aunt master bedroom. She opened the door and looked in and started to breath heavy.
"MMpph! Mmmpphh!!" said my Aunt. Beth mouth was open wide and her jaw had dropped. I slowly walked up behind her and looked over her shoulder. She placed her hand on my shirt just above my stomach. Beth wispered "Is she ok, did she fall down or somthing?" "No everything is ok, she wanted to get dressed up for you. She wanted her hands tied and feet. I think she has been lonely and need of some one to help her since her divorce. I am only guessing but I think its been awhile since she got any. Your not scared are you??" I said. Beth looked puzzled but then a big smile came over face. She wispered again "Do you think I can leave the blind fold on and tickle her. Maybe even massage her on the table." "Oh, I think my Aunt will really like for you to tickle her and give her a massage. My Aunt did however ask me to keep a eye on her when you found her like this. Her body is made for this." I wispered into Beth ear.
Beth put down her purse and I handed her the glass of wine from downstairs. She drank that plus my mix drink and looked at me as she walked over to my Aunt. My Aunt stopped moving on the table when she felt Beth begin runnning her hands on her ankles and feet. I stood there about 4 ft away from them and watched. Beth smiled and ran her finger nails down my Aunt body from her head to her high heels. She stopped at her stomach and moved aorund her pussy paying close attention to her outer thighs. Beth reached down and gently slapped my Aunt ass wich had expanded out on the massage table. My Aunt and Beth breathing had increased and Beth giggled a little when she saw my Aunt nipples had become hard under her bra. I watched Beth then move her hand and bump into her own tits that were just above my Aunt stomach. Beth smiled at me and then tickled my Aunt stomach causing my Aunt to wiggle on the table. I was starting to get hard and I slowly felt my cock inside my shorts. Beth ran her fingers through my Aunt hair and played with her gold hoops earrings and my Aunt moaned.
I walked slowly over the bathroom and opened my Aunt medicine cabinet and took out some baby oil and a red candle and headed back to the bedroom. I lit the candle on the dresser and slowly ran the baby oil bottle over the flame. The baby oil was now hot and I walked over across from Beth. "Here pour some of this on My Aunt and rub it in. It's feels great on the skin. It will get my Aunt feeling really good." I said. Beth drizzled the hot oil on my Aunt thighs and started to rub her hands down my Aunt lower body. I stood and stared and Beth started to rub some oil on my Aunt stomach. "I think she likes it. God I am getting so horny!!" said Beth. Beth rolled my Aunt on her left side and reached down and unhooked my Aunt huge bra. Beth slowly took off the huge bra and through it on the carpet.
I watched Beth pour some oil on my Aunt huge cleavage causing the oil to run down inside of her big breast. She wiped around her big tits and down the side of my Auny body. Beth then started to twist my Aunt big purple left nipple and my Aunt moaned and wimpered under her blind fold.

I started to rub the front of my shorts against my Aunt arm and hand. "Mpph, ohhh" said my Aunt. Beth was contining to rub and twist my Aunt other nipples causing the oil to run on the massage table and down Beth hands. I was getting harder and I looked over at Beth who was rubbing against my Aunt other arm and hand. "Wow, here give me your hands and you can touch your Aunt. She feels so good." Beth said. I reached over and Beth poured some oil on my hands. I rubed my hands together and reached down and played with my Aunt inner thighs. I felt Beth hands touch mind and we both ended up on my Aunt huge breast. I played with her left nipple and Beth played with the my Aunt other nipple. Beth was breathing heavy and moaning and I leaned down and stuck my Aunt nipple in my mouth.
As I was sucking my Aunt nipple I looked over and Beth had stuck my Aunt other nipple in her mouth. My Aunt body wiggled and then I could smell my Aunt had orgasmed on the table. Beth eyes got big and she moved her hand down my Aunt body and slipped a finger under my Aunt thong. Beth giggled and I reached down and pulled my Aunt thong over to the side and watched Beth finger my Aunt with her long nails. I reached down with my other hand and unbuckled my shorts and they fell to the floor. Beth looked over when she heard my shorts hit the ground. I let go of my Aunt nipple and removed my shirt with my free hand and Beth eyes got bigger and she winked.
I was now in my Aunt painties. Beth was still fingering my Aunt and I walked around the front of the table and played with my Aunt feet in her high heels. Beth moaned agin and I leaned down and started to lick and suck Beth fingers in my Aunt pussy. I licked the top of my Aunt big hairy pussy and bit her clitories causing my Aunt to orgasm again. Beth walkd around the front next to me and she leaned forward and started to lick my Aunt pussy. I reached back with my hand and found Beth perfect ass. I ran my hand down and gave Beth ass a nice squeeze. Beth then sucked my Aunt pussy harder and my Aunt had another orgasm. I slowly backed up and ran my hand down Beth back and felt her ass with both hands before I walked around towards my Aunt head were she was still blind folded and gagged.
I leaned down and slowly removed my Aunt blind fold. My Aunt leaned forward with a gag still in her mouth and saw her best friend eating her pussy. My Aunt orgasmed hard and Beth licked up her juices. I then reached down and pulled out the red silk scarf out of my Aunt mouth and she gasped for air. My Aunt rolled her eyes back in her head and Beth was sucking and she had put three fingers in my Aunt pussy causing her great pleasure. I leand down next to my Aunt. I was standing behind her head looking down at Beth in between my Aunt big thick thighs. "Tell her how you love my big fat cock. Tell your best friend how you can't live with out my big cock. Tell her your my new love slave. Tell her you like the way my dick feels in your tight pussy." I said. Beth eyes got bigger and she licked my Aunt pussy faster. "God, yes I love his big cock. I love being his love slave. Show Beth your big cock. Let me suck it. Fuck! Fuck me!! Fuck me Nephew!!!!" said my Aunt who orgasmed again.

Beth realesed my Aunt pussy from her fingers and mouth and walked up the right side of my Aunt. I walked over to her left side and looked acroos to Beth. Beth's nipples were rock hard and she had pulled up her black skirt and looked down at my Aunt body. I pulled off my Aunt thong, garters and hose and put them on the floor. My Aunt was naked and her body glisten of oil, sweat and saliva.
I walked back and looked at Beth. I reached down with my right hand and stuck my hand inside the panites. I played with my dick getting it nice and hard causing the front to expand. "Show me your cock. Let me see!! Please!!! My husband cock is so small!!! I haven't been fucked good since before my marriage." said Beth. I laughed and pulled my hand out and reached down and untied my Aunt hand from the massage table. My Aunt hand moved up and started to rubb my big 9 1/2 cock inside her panites I was wearing. After a few minutes of outlining my cock with her fingernails she pulled on my waist band and her panites fell to the floor.
"Fuck! Look at the size of your nephew cock. He is huge!! What the fuck!!!" said Beth. "God I love his big white cock, espically the taste." said my Aunt. My Aunt was now tugging on the base and running her fingers up the shaft of my cock. Beth was tugging on my Aunt nipples and staring at my dick. My Aunt started to beat my dick on her left brest and rubbing it on her big nipple. I moved toward her face and easily slid my cock into my Aunt warm mouth. She licked my cock head and my big dark purple head slid down her throat casiung her to gag. Beth watched as my Aunt sucked and tongued my big dick. I reached down and fondled my Aunt breast and nipples and ran my hand in between her big boobs.
After a few minutes I pulled out my cock from my Aunt hungary mouth making a popping noise. I walked around my Aunt best friend Beth and looked over her shoulder again. I reached down and yanked off Beth skirt and removed her yello top. My cock rested on Beth perfect ass. It left a trail of saliva and pre-cum on Beths ass. Beth put her hand back on my stomach from behind and was tugging on my Aunt nipple. I reached around Beth waist and untied my Aunt other hand. My Aunt leaned up and started to fondle Beth big breast. After a few minutes Beth turned around and got on her knees. She reached with both hands and started to suck my cock. A few inches were inside her mouth and after 10 minutes I finally got Beth to relax and accept about 3/4 of my hard penis. Her mouth was hot and nasty and I stood on my tippy toes and watched her swallow more of my cock. I was fucking her face and I looked over and my Aunt was playing with her pussy and sucking her big left nipple.
After a few more strokes I looked down at Beth and said "Fuck you suck cock great. Watch out I am cummmmmmming!!!!!" I said. Beth jammed my cock as far as she could go and spurt after spurt of cumm drenched the back of her throat. She gagged and some sperm splashed out her mouth down my shaft. She sucked greedly and fondled my big balls. My Aunt orgamsed and then I reached down and pulled Beth back up to her feet. I grabbed Beth hand and took her over to my Aunt bed.

My Aunt leaned up and was sitting upright as she watch her best friend mount my cock. Beth hands were on my chest and I watched her eyes close as she fucked my big dick. Her pussy was tight and it was so soft as it rode my cock. I reached around and fondled her ass and punded my cock into her tight pussy. It took a few minutes before I got my entire length in her hairy pussy. I reached up and placed her nipples in my mouth and she orgamsed. After a few minutes she orgasmed again and yelled out. She grunted and moaned and I saw my Aunt was still on the table with her legs bound and fingerign her hairy pussy. I spun Beth off me and place her on her side. I put my cock back into her pussy.

I reached around her front and grabbed her bg fun bags. I was squeezing and slapping Beth tits together as I fucked her harder. "Fuck her!! Fuck her real good my nephew. Smack that ass!!" said my Aunt. I grunted and Beth screamed and orgasmed on my dick again casuing me to pull out and shoot between her legs onto Beth stomach and right breast. I was tugging on Beth nipples and she was scooping up the goo and licking her fingers. I got up and left Beth lying on the bed. I went over and untied my Aunt and brought her over to Beth. "You two French kiss and play with each other pussy and I will be right back." I said.
I walked passed the night stand and picked up the two bottles of sleeping pills and headed to the bathroom. I opened the bottles and took out some pills. I went down stiars leaving Beth and my Aunt in a big 69 postion on the bed. I poured some wine in two glasses and swirled the wine in the glass with the pills. I grabbed my self a beer and went back upstairs. I gave each glass to the my Aunt and Beth. They drank there wine and after a few minutes both fell asleep. I opened Beth purse and pulled out the new razor and shaving cream. I trimmed both girls pussy leaving them both the same small patch of hair about there pussy mound. A little landing strip.
I grabbed my Aunt cell phone and called three of my friends from around town giving them the address of my Aunt house. They all arrived an hour later and I collected $200 dollars from each. I had them strip naked and they followed me upstairs to my Aunt bedroom. They walked in and saw each girl tied up and blinded folded on the big king size bed. All four of us fucked my Aunt and Beth for about 12 hours before they ran out of money and had to go home.

My Aunt quit her job and Beth has moved in to the spare bedroom. Beth divorced her husband and we took photos of him with my Aunt when he was knocked out from a drink. I pimp out Beth and my Aunt to my friends and businees men at the different hotel around town. They give me all the money and invite there girl friends to join in some wild orgies. I still fuck my Aunt and Beth every chance I get. My Mom is happy the her sister is allowing me to stay rent free. I just have to do a few odd jobs around the house.

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