I worked in a small cubicle on the 14th floor of a large company in downtown. The commute sucks but the money is not bad. Basically I call customers who have a home owner policy. If there policy is about to expire. I see if they like to renew or cancel. Most customers are very nice on the phone but there are a few that just hang up or are rude. I work from 9-5 and have a lot of free time durning the day to goof around. I have a buddy in payroll who I send funny emails to all the time. Once in awhile we exchange a few naughty pictures but nothing to hardcore. We normally do it after hours or at home, but everyone once in ahwile we do it at work.
I was on the couch late Wednesday night and was just about ready to go to bed. I heard my inbox "ding" on my computer and I paused my Wii. It was Tim in Payroll and his email subject line ready "Hot Big Busty MILF." I clicked on his email and saw some pictures of a hot older women with blonde hair being fucked by a big white guy in the ass. He sent me two more files on the same women who was in different postions and fucking different young guys. The girl in the pictures was a real MILF and the site said she was 45 years old. I thought she looked like she was in her mid thirties. I got some baby oil out of a drawer under the computer and spanked one out. I threw the tissues in the garbage can next to the computer and went to bed.
The next day at work I got a few more emails from Tim and I found some porn and sent it to him. We both got a good laugh and we went back to work. At the end of the day I was just packing up when I got an email from Tim saying he was going on vacation and would be back in 2 weeks. Tim and his wife were going to Florida for a family vaction. His wife was a real ball buster and very stuck up towards his freinds. I was not sure why he married such a samll chested women. I can only imagine he knocked her up and had to get married. I think he likes looking at big boob porn becasue of his wife.
I got to work early on Firday morning and found a note on my computer. I was suppose to go up to the 29th floor and see the director of human resources. I was do for my performance review at the end of the month and did not pay it much attention. I took off my jacket and grabbed my Coke off the computer and headed toward the elevator. I took the elvator to the 29th floor and walked down the long corridor to the director office. I looked on the glass door and read "Director of Human Resources - Janet Appleton." I took a seat in the waiting area. I was checking out the secretary boobs when she said, "Your can go in now, Mrs Appleton will see you."

I straighten my tie and fixed my shirt and walked into her office. I closed the door behind me and turned around and Mrs. Appleton had walked around her desk and shook my hand. Her office was big with a small wodden desk near a huge window over looking the city. She had a big black leather couch that look like the ones in a shrinks office. She had many picture of the city on her walls and a small picture of her small dog on her desk. She also had a Oriental room divider next to her desk and a small tree on the floor. I was still standing and staring at her ass as she walked around her desk. She sat in her small wodden chair and looked over her desk at me. She then slid her legs under the desk and crossed them. I watched as her huge boobs sat on top of a calendar which rested under her immense cleavage.

Janet Appleton was 50 years old and had been working for the company for over 30 years. Starting as a sectretary for the Ceo of the company. She had wokred her way up and I had met her once since being hired three years ago at a Christams party but just briefly. She had medium length blonde hair tied in a bun and she wore little gold frame glasses for reading. She had soft pink lips and light blue masscare over her eyes. She had long white finger nails and small hands. She had a slight tan and big curly black eye lashes. She had on a grey blouse and black skirt. She had long legs with brown hose that encased a set of curvy thighs. Her ass sat high and her boobs were really big. I was having a problem looking away from her 48JJ Juggs - 34 waist - 36 Ass.

I moved my right leg over my left leg to hide my growing erection as I slowly moved my hand over my sport coat. I put my elbows on the leather supports for the chair and said "Hello Mrs. Appleton, it's nice to meet you again. What can I do for you?" She paused and said "I am not sure how to say this, so I will just come out with it. Do you know the computer at your desk is for company business only." "Yes" I said. "Do you also know that you are not allow to send or recieve or watch anything pornographic on them. (I winced in my chair and my forehead started to sweat) It has come to my atention that some XXX pictures have been exchanged using your computer. Is this true?" Mrs. Appleton said. I paused not knowing what to say next but I did drop my right foot back to the floor and shifted to the other side in the chair.
There was a long pause and then she said, "Do you know Tim in payroll? I believe you two have been exchanging very naughty pictures and videos for the last few days at work. This is a very seriou violation. The last few times this has come up at the company the associates were fired. Do you want me to fire you?" said Mrs. Appleton. "No I don't want you to fire me. I may have recieved a few naughty pictures but I don't remeber if I sent any to another computer." I said. "Do you know Tim in payroll. I nodded "yes." Did you receive emails from him with XXX pictures and movies." said Mrs Appleton. "I did receive emails but I am not sure from whom." I said. "Ok, I can see you don't want to rat on your friend. I can respect that but when he gets back from his vacation maybe he will talk about your emails and rat you out! This is very serious! Are you taking this seriously?" she said. "Yes, Mame" I said.
"Don't call me Mame. I am a supervisor at the company and you may call me Mrs. Appleton or Janet. I am close to Fifty years old and I am not by any means feeling old. Got that!!" she said. "Yes, Mrs. Appleton" I said. "I am looking over these photos and movies and I am quite taken back by what I've seen. Can you explain this photo to me." She pointed at her computer screen and turn the monitor to face me. The big boob blonde MILF in the picture was taking it up the ass. Mrs. Appleton clicked again and the blonde on the screen was taking a large penis in her pussy. I winced and wiped my forehead with my sleeve. "How about this final photo." she said. The last photo was of a young stud fucking the big boob blonde massive tits and cumming on her tits and face. I was not sure what to do and I was trying to think of a way to get out of the room.
"We'll it looks like the photo of a young guy releasing all his manly fluids on a women upper body. I think the women may enjoy what he is doing." I said. Mrs.Appleton turned the monitor back to her and looked at the screen and begam to shift in her seat. "Do young men find this to be exciting. Do most young men find older women to be attractive. What I mean, does this turn them on." she said. I paused not knowing where this was going but I figured if I kept talking maybe she let me slide on findling the porn on my computer. "Hmm, I think most young guy are attracted to older women. They have more experince maybe. Also it helps that the blonde on the screen is very attractive." I said. "Why, because her breast are big" Mrs. Apppleton said. "Hmm, maybe -pause, ok yes because her breast are bigger than average size has something to do it with it." I said.

Mrs. Appleton took off her reading glasses and put them on her desk. She then slid her chair back a few inches from the desk. Mrs. Appleton breast slid across the desk and fell into her lap and she looked over at me. "You know, I think I may have bigger boobs then the girl on the screen. What do you think?" she said and smiled at me. "I am not sure if we should be talking about this Mrs. Appleton, I mean you are a Supervior and all." I said. "Let me put it this way, your fired if you don't tell me who has bigger tits - me or the women on the computer." she said. I paused and said, "That is a tuff call, I can really judge the blonde on the screen becuase she is comletly naked on screen but how do I say this, Hmmmm?" "The next thing I know you are going to ask to see mine. Sir you have lost your mind. I think this porn has made you crazy." she said. I paused and smiled.
Mrs. Appleton reached up and clicked the mouse and a movie started to play. I could here the audio of the movie. The blonde girl from the pictures was being fucked my the same young stud and she was pleading with him to fuck her tits. "Why do guys like to do this. Can you explain this to me sir." Mrs. Appleton said. I got out of my chair and walked over to the side of the desk and looked at the screen facing Mrs. Appleton. She was still sitting in her chair and notcied her legs had parted and I looked down and could see into her massive cleavage. "I am going to be completely hones with you Mrs. Appleton because I think what ever I do you are going to fire me. All guys think about fucking a girl with big tits and exploding on her boobs. Almost every guy likes to stick his dick in a womens cleavage and fuck her breast. I am sure your husbands at home uses your breast for his enjoyment." I said.

Mrs. Appleton paused and her face looked mortified. "Well then, I can see you have just decided to talk to me like a employee who is about ready to get fired. My husband really does not like my big breast. Ever since I had my twins about 10 years ago he hates the way my breast grew. He hates when men stare at me and make rude coments when he is around. He makes me face in front of him when we make love so he does't have to see them. Of course that is about once a month, if he feels like it. Other wise he plays with himself when I go downstairs to get somthing to eat late at night. Does that answer your question young man?" "That is to bad Janet because I can tell just by looking at her boobs and your boobs cvered in that blouse that your boobs are bigger. I think your husband is missing out on a very attractive women. I saw you a couple of years ago at the Christmas party and had naughty thought about you back then. I can't believe I haven't seen you again until today." I said.
I shifted my right leg and my cock shifted down in my pants. I looked down and could see Janet was looking at my bulge in my pants. I figured I was already fired, so why not take a chance to get in even more trouble. "Have you ever been tit fucked Janet? Has any man really fucked the shit out of your huge breast before" I said. Janet pasued and wispered "NO!!!" I looked down at the computer screen and back at Janet in the chair. I could here the girl in the movie being fucked and begging for the guy to shoot his load on her boobs. "Janet look at the girl in the movie and the guy fucking the girls boobs." I said. Just then on the screen the guy shot a big load and the movie slowed down and the sperm coated the women boobs. The women jacked the actor cock and sucked him dried. She then scooped up his load and licked it with her tongue. "See Mrs. Appleton the blonde on the screen loves haivng her boobs fucked and cummmed on." I said.
The movie stopped and it went back to her mail box. I looked over at Mrs. Appleton and smiled and she smiled back. I walked behind Mrs. Appleton chair and looked down. Her blonde hair was still in a bun held up by some small sticks. She was breathing heavy and her chest was expanding as she sat in her chair. I could see the top of her knees from her spreading her legs and her skirt riding up. I could see her hose being held up by two grey garters. Her tiny feet were encased in some high heels and she moved her hand on her hips and looked straight ahead.

"Hmm what do we have here. I think your blouse maybe cutting off your circulation Mrs. Appleton, your breathing pretty heavily. Here let me help!!" I said. I reached down and grabbed the top of her grey blouse on the side of her huge breast. I did not hestitate to pull the shirt from each side and the material ripped off and flew into the air. I let go and her shirt hung to the side and I reached back up and grabbed the front of her white bra. I rubbed her nipples real quick over the fabrice of the bra and felt her nipples get hard. I yanked down the front of her bra and her huge breast hung over the bra. Her bra was just under her huge boob casuing them to droop over and her huge nipples to stand out straight. I then started to fondle her big juggs and twist her nipples and she moaned. She cried out for me to stop and she bit her red upper lip.

"Stop, what are you doing young man. Sir! Sir!" she said. "Shut up! Shut up bitch! You know you love it Mrs. Appleton! You love it when young guys squeeze and fondle your big boobs. Look at you legs, there open. Put you hand under your skirt. Show me how much you like the way I play with your big boobs. Go ahead Mrs Appleton I won't tell." I said. She closed her eyes and started to rub under her skirt. I took my right hand off her breast and kept rubbing her cleavage with my left. I unzipped my pants and let them drop to the floor. I pulled down my white cotton briefs and out came my erect pernis and hit her in the upper arm. She turned when she felt my cock hit her arm. She opened her eyes and gasped and said "My god its huge. It must be 9 inches long and so thick." she said.

I smiled and watched her lick my dark purple cock head and swirl her tongue around my shaft. She reached up with her free hand and fondle my big hairy balls. "Spit on my cock Mrs. Appleton. Get him nice and wet and I will show you what your husband been missing my office whore. Go ahead and take all my cock in your throat. Relax your throat muscles and let my penis slide down your throat. Yes! Yes! God damn Mrs. Aplleton you can suck cock." I said. She started to massage my balls and saliva ran down my shaft and onto her left breast. Her eyes looked up as her mouth was stuffed with young cock. "That's it baby, suck my cock. Play with balls like a good slut. Yes! Yes" I said. She was sucking hard and I reached down and clamped on her left nipple and gave it a big twist. She cried out and her eyes began to tear up and a big tear flowed down her face.

I reached down and pulled my cock out of her mouth causing a big suction noise. I wiped my cock on her face and moved over so I was standing in front of her. "Lean forward! That's it! Hold up your tits for my inspection! Good! Good!" I said. I reached down and slapped her tits with my cock causing her to moan and scream. I stuck my cock back in her mouth and she started to suck him again. "Good and wet Mrs Appleton, show me how old whores suck young cock. Good! Good! Yes, love that tongue. Play with balls. Ok! Ok! Get on your desk and with your feet facing toward the front door and you head on the end right here!!!!!" Mrs. Appleton got up and took off her skirt, grey hose, garters, and her grey panties. I reached up and yanked off her bra and placed it on her chair. She was now naked with only her black high heels. Mrs Appleton put her head on the edge and looked up with her blue eyes. Her blonde hair dangled down and her red lips were open.

I reached down with my hand and smacked her face with my cock. She tried to touch him with her lips and mouth but I liked poking her in the eye and nose. I smiled and then leaned forward and felt my balls hit her face. She started to suck my balls and lick the inside of my hairy thighs. "Mrs. Appleton you liked to be Tea Bagged I see. Yeah! Yeah stick your tongue up my butt crack and taste my sweat baby." I said. She ran her tongue up my ass hole and I reached forward and fondled her huge chest. I picked her tits up by her erect nipples and she moaned. Her legs were wide open and her high heels were scraping the desk as she slashed around. I let her kiss the under side of my dick and she made my cock wet. I stuck my cock all the way in her mouth and throat and she gagged and saliva leeked out the side of her mouth. I started to fuck her face harder and my balls slapped her nose and forehead and she maoned. I could smell her wet pussy from where I was above her. I wanted to reach down and play with her pussy but I first wanted to fuck her big boobs.

I took my wet cock out of her mouth and she tried to force it back in. I leaned forward and spat on her boobs. A big piece of my salvia went down her breast into her cleavage. I reached down and grabbed the sides of her breast and started to slap them together. Smack! Smack!! Smack!!! Her boobs vibrated in my hands. I tweeked her nipples again and saw her pussy open up and shoot a samll amount of liquid onto the desk. I stood on my tipy toes and slid my cock into her warm cleavage. She felt so warm and tight and her boobs felt so great. I started to fuck her big boobs and my big hairy balls hit her neck. I looked down and her eyes were closed as I contiued to fuck her boobs. My cock was sliding in and out and I could barely see the tip of my cock when it came out the other end of her huge juggs. I could not last much longer and when she slapped my ass with her right hand I started to cumm. "Oh my god, Yes! Yes bitch!" I aaid. My dick opened up and warm goo jumped out and hit the insde of her cleavage. It was squirting out the bottom of her tits and she screamed and moaned. A great big load was flowing down her breast and stomach and some flowed into her pussy hairs abouve her mound.

I quickly got off Mrs. Appleton chest and she reached down and scoped up my big load. "Bring your big old boobies up to your mouth. That is it. Lick your nipples and my cum. Lick your breast of my man juice. Lick it! Lick it!! Yes! Yes!!" I aaid. I looked down and my cock was starting to get aroused. I started to jack my cock and watching her suck her big nipples I was hard again.
I grabbed Mrs. Aplleton hand and took her over to her leather sofa. The one that goes in a shrinks office. She got on her knees facing me and I got on my knees and started to french kiss her. I reached up and started to squeeze and fondle her boobs and she moaned. I reached down with my right hand and slid one finger in her pussy. She was so wet I slid another 2 fingers in before she came on my 3 fngers. She bit my upper lip and mumbled something. I reachd around her waist and started to play with her big ass. I eased my cock just under her stomach and nestle right in her hairy bush. I could feel her big cunt lips and her eyes closed and her face contoured as I slid my cock into her tight pussy. She started to rock up and down on my cock and I slapped her ass. She maoned and I twisted her left nipple. She screamed and I fucked her harder. She was made for fucking that I lasted only a few mintued before I pulled out and shot another load on her tits.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! "Mrs. Appleton - A Tim from Payroll is online #2 for you. Also is everything ok, I keep hereing load noises and sounds from your office." said Mrs. Appleton Secretary Tina. "Tina everything is ok, I am just laying down the law with this gentleman and we have to watch a training film on sexual harassment. Call down to accounting and tell Ned that I have one of his workers and that he will be in my office untill at least after lunch. Thanks. -Good morning Tim how is your vaction?" said Mrs. Appleton. My dick was about half way in Mrs. Applton asshole and I had been fucking her big ass for twenty minutes before I slowed down for the call. Mrs. Appleton had put her hand around her butt and stoped my dick from going in her ass to talk to Tim. "Everything is going good on my vaction. The wife and kids are in the water park and I got your message. You wanted to talk to me immediatley."

"Oh why yes, hmm it seems we may have found some porn on your comuter. Do you know any one in at the company you have been sharing files with." she said. "Yes but he is real pervert. He get's me into trouble all the time. My wife can't stand him. Every since he took pictures of her breast feeding are kids. He is a handful." Tim said. I forced my cock all the way in and Mrs Aplleton screamed and moan loud. "Fuck!! Yes! Yes!" said Mrs. Appleton. "What's that Mrs. Aplleton did you say sothing I can barely here you." said Tim. "I need you to come to my offcie when you get back. Your not in trouble, you just have to see a training film. OK!" Tim hung up and the line when dead.
The door to the elvator opend on the 29th floor and I walked down the hall and sat on the leather couch in the waiting room. A few seconds later Tim walked in and looked at me. "Hey bro, what's up" Tim said. "Hey Dude, how was your vaction?." I said. "Good untill I got a call about your emails on my comuter." Tim said. I smiled and when Tina opened the door to Mrs. Appleton and we both walked in. Mrs. Appleton was tunred around facing her big window. Tim sat down first and then I sat down next to him.
"Hmm, it looks like we have the two biggest pervert at the company sitting in my office. You both like big boobs and older women. You like to look at porn all day. You like to watch young men cumm on women tits. Am I missing anyhting boys." said Mrs. Appleton. TIm was confused and looked at me and I shruged my shoulders. Mrs Appleton spun around in her chair and she was completly naked. She had on a black corset that exposed her huge boobs and she had periced her left nipple since Friday. I fucked her at her house when her husband was out back in the pool. She stood up and walked around and sat in my lap and I started to suck her left nipple. Tim jaw droped and his mouth was open. Mrs. Appleton and I walked over to her couch and she took of my clothes. She got on my big cock and started to ride me like a cow girl. I slapped her big ass and finally saw Tim pull out his cock and jerk off.

He is still faithful to his wife and only watches Mrs. Aplleton and I fuck at work. Mrs. Applton sent her husband on a vaction with out her for a month in Europe. I moved in the next day and have been fucking her non stop. Tonight I invinted some guys from the mail room to see if the like Poker. I told Janet to wear somthing sexy and everytime she comes to the basement to take off one article of clothing untill she is naked. Then she has to fuck who evers is winning the game. I bought a camera with her credit card and I have Tina filming us at the office on Monday. It seems Tina husband left her for another women with samller tits and she feels neglected.

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